Growing up

By Gem - 10:54:00

I'm 25, soon to be 26 and I really don't feel very grown up at all. Lots of friends are announcing engagements, have mortgages and even babies. I buy dresses, live a student lifestyle and can barely look after myself and my dog...

I do have a proper grown up job but my mum still does my ironing. I should be doing my MSc part time but spend my Sundays watching E! (Love some Scott Disick and Fashion Police) I spend quite a lot of time thinking about this and thinking about it really isn't going to get anything done.

I did however make a recent purchase which made me feel rather grown up. My old HP laptop died after four years, all my computers seem to have a three-four year life span. I had never bought my own laptop before, they were always Christmas presents or graduation presents from my mum so buying my own felt like quite a major step. I wanted to replace it with something that would last but was also lightweight for when I finally decide to study again and has a good battery life. After a lot of deliberation I opted for a MacBook air and here she is:



I can't say that I'm very technical even though part of my day job is IT support so I wont be giving this a full review but I would say that it has amazing battery life, the track pad is easy to use and the back lit keyboard is fantastic. I also managed to get 15% off with a higher education discount through unidays so this worked out cheaper than other computers of a similar specification. I would say the only downside is rather low internal memory but I have an external hard drive and save all my photos on flickr so I can't see this being an issue.


      I might name my laptop, scrap that... that's insane. I really love it though and it's probably the most extravagant thing I've bought except for my return flights to New Zealand a few years ago. It's funny how buying something like this has made me think about the future. I'm making a good start to get out of debt by paying back the small student loan I took out in my final year of uni to pay for rent. I've started a little savings account and started to keep a little spending spreadsheet to keep on track of my outgoings. The eventual aim is to save enough to buy a house to rent out and start making my way up that property ladder. Scary stuff ey?

      *collaborative post

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      1. Good for you! I don't like trying to be a grown up but it's got to be done, hasn't it? I'm 25 and unemployed so the first thing on my list is to get a job. Good luck with your plans and your new laptop :) x

      2. I have been setting myself little savings goals to try and keep myself motivated, otherwise it's all too easy to fritter away my cash as I don't yet have plans for a house I want to buy. I don't want to end up in the position where I decide I want to move and then hve a giant amount of saving to do :/

      3. i'm the same age as you and feel exactly the same. my little sister got engaged recently but I don't feel old enough for all that grown up stuff!

      4. Incredibly jealous here, Gem! I've wanted the Macbook Air for like, FOREVA. No fair.

        I know exactly what you mean though, I'm 27. And to think my sisters had kids at the age of 22, and I think to myself, I'm a little immature to have kids at my age, ha!


      5. Don't get me started on the being grown up thing. Despite wanting to move out for years, and feeling I was too old to still be living at home, now that it's actually happening, it's scary stuff! Hopefully when I move to Cardiff we can meet up! :)

        1. Yes!! Send me and email closer to the date :) x

      6. I really need to start saving properly, I have got so bad at it recently!

        Maria xxx

      7. Our biggest expense right now is saving for our wedding, but I know it will all be worth it! She's a beauty - always had a slight want for a Mac ... one day. Enjoy her Gem! xxx

      8. I love that it's a she. What's her name? She's BEAUTTTTTTIFUL. And though I may be renting a flat with my boyfriend, that makes me in NO WAY a grown up Gemma and I will be partying with you like a teenager in October <3 Claire @ Jazzpad

        1. Maybe Nancy? Like Nancy Drew, always wanted that name when I was a kid.... I'm soooo excited for October, word on the street is that Brett has hired security because he knows I'm going xx

      9. I know that feeling! At 28 i'm a 'mature' student... ha ha. mature.

        I LOVE that you bought a mac. I've literally done the same thing a week ago - worth every penny. You have to name her, it's the rules! :D


      Thank you for leaving a comment, feel free to ask me any questions here or on twitter- @Gemma_DS.