Felt - Sunlight Bathed the Golden Glow

By Gem - 20:44:00

I've listened to the track in my title about 50 times this week, so 80s, so good! I thought I would share some of my instagram photos with you, wont be making a habit of this because if you follow me on there (fatfrocks) it will get boring but I've had so much fun using my new phone. I think I might try and take at least one photo a day and print them all off at the end of the year and put them in my scrapbook, a bit of a 365 project. I know you're all old hands at this instagram malarkey but I've only just joined the modern world with my new android phone.

welsh cake, lush, herbalism
McQueen, Cardiff Uni
les mis, leopard print coat mango

1. Wednesday saw me face my fears and do a talk about blogging in work. Scary stuff! I did eat a few too many Welsh cakes during the tea break though, can't be helped.

2. Treated myself to lots of new Lush goodies. I'm loving Herbalism, great product for those with acne.

3. Made a cheeky little sales purchase from McQ, I'm allergic to most jewellery so the leather strap is great.

4. Trying walk a bit more on my lunch breaks and with buildings like this where I work I certainly don't get bored. Cardiff civic centre is gorgeous. This is the the Main Building at Cardiff Uni which is Grade 2 listed.

5. Bought this coat from Mango after trying to track down the perfect Glamour Twin leopard print coat for what seems like a lifetime. So happy to get my hands on this beauty and I can't stop looking at it.

6. Saw one of the greatest films ever on Saturday. Took my breath away, been listening to the soundtrack non stop since and I want Jackman to win an Oscar. AMAZING.

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  1. Oooh, I really want to see Les Mis!! Keep seeing everyone's updates about it and the envy is rising. Love the coat!xx

  2. Hey I'm actually doing the 365project! You can follow me on Instagram - ms21cg I'm already following you. Recently started reading your blog after reading about your dieting on where are my knees. I'm seriously in need of shedding the pounds! I must say though I think you should change your blog name coz you look beautiful :)

    1. Thank you! Just found you on there :)

  3. Oh love the Mcqueen - You have amazing taste xxx

    1. thanks ;) you too, so jel of your spikey boot collection x

  4. Les Mis was amazing wasn't it! I though Jackman was brilliant (although I couldn't help but think he was Wolverine haha). Amazing coat, right up my street! x

  5. Love the coat and that bracelet is gorgeous!

    Maria xxx

  6. I'm not on instagram err..yet. I will be soon. I didn't have a mobile til I was 24 so you aren't alone in techno-laziness ;-)
    That coat is amazing. One can never have enough leopard print, although one should never wear it all at the same time!!

  7. Oh my, welsh cakes... I miss them so bad. Ones in England aren't the same! I miss Wales. I swear as well I could buy everything in Lush, I really have to control myself when I go in! Coat looks lovely, so hard to get a nice leopard print coat that doesn't look Pat Butcher/Kat Slater but this looks really nice. I was going to see Les Mis this weekend, but the snow has kind of put a halt on our plans :( Stuck in our flat! I WILL go at some point this week though, I need to see it!


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