Fat Frocks is in a Fab Mood

By Gem - 22:45:00

It's been a great week so far and I want to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who has checked out Where Are My Knees?. I had lots of lovely supportive comments about my introductory post and I'm sure me and the other lovely ladies can reach all of our goals with everybodys encouragement :) Don't want to repeat too much of what I will talk about on the other blog but I lost 5% of my total body weight, hurrah!

Sarah gave me a discount code on Saturday so I got 20% off Dorothy Perkins but there was already 30% off dresses so I got some bargains, it was dress madness, thanks Sarah! I ordered a lovely blue dress but it's more of a 'going out' dress so I wore this one to my course today and I got complimented on it in ASDA, score. I'm glad I got it for £16 because it's only jersey material and isn't the best fitting dress I've ever bought. I would have been a little disappointed if I payed full price.

Dress: Dorothy Perkins
Cardi: H&M (had this for 6 years and it's still looking fab)
Shoes: Very
Leggings: Evans
Bracelet: Peacocks

My brother takes all my photos because I'm too much of a cheapskate to buy a tripod. He was giving me directions as if he was 'noted  fashion photographer Nigel Barker' and I was doing my best Tyra Banks impression. I'm not totally mad, honest...
Have you had any discount code bargains recently?

If you want to chat or ask me anything about Where Are My Knees then you can find me on twitter so come and say hi :)

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  1. This dress is so so so so cute on you! I just love it's adorable little lace collar! Very very sweet!

  2. love this dress with that feature collar. Wish my husband would give me posing direction, he just looks amused instead. I need lessons!

  3. I LOVE these photos Gem, you should do Tyra more often :) xx

  4. super cute dress! :D
    Rosie xo

  5. Your hair is so lovely!
    I love this dress too, such a bargain. I'm kind of regretting not buying anything in the cheapy discounty madness now! xxx

  6. Your looking mighty pretty! Love your hair! :)

  7. i love your pretty dress, and what a bargain! i know what you mean about the dodgey material you sometimes get - horrible!

  8. Great photos! No discount codes, but when l het them l add them to my fb page. x

  9. Oh I love this dress, it's so cute!

  10. aww Gem i love these photos of you! you always look so natural onfront of the camera. i suppose it's a little easier posing onfront of a person than standing onfront of a tripod yourself! the dress is lovely, the little lace collar is so cute! xx

  11. That dress looks so lovely on you. It made me laugh when I read the bit about Tyra banks/Nigel Barker. I love AMNTM :) x

  12. The detailing on that dress is so lovely. You always look so natural and happy on your photo's and that sure does make a change from seeing girls posing unaturally all for the sake of a outfit photo xxx

  13. i love this dress im going to search for it instore and see how it looks on me :)

    thanks for the comment on my blog, and i agree i was also a fluster about greg james but i didnt actually get to see it! im hoping to catch it on radio 1 hahah :P

    aroselikethis.blogspot.com xx

  14. haha thanks guys. Remember be fierce and smize!

  15. That's a very pretty dress, lovely detailing. And great discounts! Love the middle picture, you're smile is beautiful. X

  16. You look really cute!

    I'm pleased to see that one of the Knees gang is a veggie, I'm always on the lookout for good veggie recipes.

  17. I adore this dress & you look so gorgeous in these pictures!

  18. L:ove the dress and what a bargain! Finally just about to post up my handwriting -sorry for taking so long ;S

  19. @StephanieDJL- yeah, it's from asos :) I've got it in black and teal too!

  20. I love the lace collar! Woooo on the weight loss, thats amazing!

  21. Hii, i'm a new follower! Just found your blog through dinoprincess, i saw the name of your blog and had to come be nosey, i love your dress xx

  22. Very pretty dress! You look so cute in the last photos :D

  23. dress is lush. good luck with your diet plan! Will be checking out your other blog.

    Helen, X


Thank you for leaving a comment, feel free to ask me any questions here or on twitter- @Gemma_DS.