I'm gonna pop your bubblegum heart

By Gem - 11:46:00

I've been talking about it on here for months now but on Wednesday evening I finally saw Marina and the Diamonds on her Lonely Hearts Club Tour. I was already in love with Marina but she completely overwhelmed me and lived up to all my expectations. I have seen her perform before but only at festivals and I couldn't wait to see her with her own staging and amongst her fans. It was also lovely to see her on her home turf, she's from Abergavenny and her Mam was there to cheer her on.

There was such a great atmosphere and the venue, Cardiff Coal Exchanage is a beautiful and historic place.
I went with my brother and some friends and chanelled the Electra Heart look with pastels. I loved the pre show music which was a mix of early Britney, Madonna, Garbage and Euro-pop, just my thing.


Marina performed loads of her songs and was on stage for around an hour and a half. Mowgli's Road, Lies and Radioactive were set highlights and I managed to get the setlist at the end of the night like a proper fan girl.





Everything was perfect! I loved the staging, set list, all the outfit changes and everyone seemed to be having just as much fun as me. Marina really was born to peform. I cant wait to see what she does next and I hope she tours again soon. *crazy fan alert*

You can see lots more photos from the night on my flickr account

What performers have completely blown you away?

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  1. I've never really been interested in Marina and the Diamonds, but by golly I am impressed with her costume changes! xxx

  2. Loving the different dresses, she pulls off the crazy bride look far better than Lindsay Lohan!

    oh...and...6 DAYS TO GO!!


  3. Sounds like you had a great time, her costumes and the stage look amazing! She definitely sounds like a really fun performer to see live. It's been SUCH a long time since I went to a concert, I will have to persuade my friends to come and see one with me soon! x

    1. I don't get to many but seem to have gone to a few this year. She was event better than The Horrors and The Maccabees who I adore xx

  4. I love Marina and this looks amazing, very jealous! I love how you coordinated with her too!

    Maria xxx

  5. Ah she's so fab! Glad you had a great time =)

  6. I love all the neon, she has a really cute stage set, I honestly have never heard her music but I have heard of her.


    1. you should listen to a few tracks, she is really diverse and talented x

  7. Ahh I love her! Love her crazy outfits and the set-up, ooh!

    Kings of Leon blew me away! They weren't that amazing really but the atmosphere was amazing and it was my 3rd date with my now-boyfriend, woop!

    Sarah xx


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