Spring Florals

By Gem - 09:54:00

The weather is still lovely in south Wales so I decided to wear some lovely bright florals to work yesterday. I felt a little over dressed but most of my clothes are black and they aren't really appropriate for this time of year.
I don't wear many short cardis but now I've lost 21 lbs I'm feeling a little more confident and I feel like I don't need to wear long cardis to cover up. Off to my weigh in at half 10 so wish me luck! If I lose another 21 lbs I might even buy some shorts or trousers, I know, it's madness!! I haven't worn trousers since the age of 17.

Dress: Peacocks
Cardigan: Primark
Belt: New Look
Necklace: gift

I popped in to Primark whilst waiting for a friend to arrive in Cardiff to go for drinks and I bought loads of cheap accessories, including this hair clip which was only £1! I also go some hair bands and pretty little brooches. I'm allergic to cheapy jewellery so I tend to wear brooches and hair clips because they don't come in to contact with my skin. It can be such a shame because places like Topshop have great costume jewellery and I just can't wear it :(

I have been clearing out the attic ready for the big move and I found a big box of handbags that I had forgotten all about and this one was in there. It looks a little but like a camera case and  it went perfectly with my outfit. I also found a bright yellow bag from Topshop in the attic which I will be using over the summer now I have rediscovered it. 

Another bargain just like my Primark flower, this polish was only £1 on e.l.f, it doesn't have the greatest staying power but it is a very pretty shade. I think I might get a lilac from Models Own because I love this shade so much but don't have the time to paint my nails so often and I know Models Own lasts much longer.
I've been buying lots of home magazines for some inspiration and Your Home had a feature about a bedroom using blue and white just like I want and listed where I could get a lot of the things I needed which is great. My mam and I are having a few disagreements on decorating, I like more traditional things and my mam prefers modern decor, I will wear her down!

I'm going to have a meeting with some people from Cancer Research Wales tomorrow about writing for their website and I'm going to check out their new bridal boutique charity shop in Whitchurch which is all very exciting. Sookie has gone in to the vets to get spayed today, I wanted to stay with her but you are not allowed, my poor little girl! I'm sure she will be fine but I will be thiinking about her the whole time I'm in work.
Hope you are all having a lovely sunny week!

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  1. 'gum drop' from revlon summer scents is a beautiful lilac, and has some awesome staying power! also berry ice cream from barry m, but thats a little more pink.
    pretty dress! you look lovely :D
    21lbs is AMAZING! congratulations! :DDD

  2. Congrats on your weight loss that's brilliant!! x

  3. Ooh well done with your weight loss! That floral dress is lovely xx

  4. I love rediscovering things that you had forgotten about :)the nail polish is a gorgeous colour perfect for spring/summer. You have an amazing collection of dresses this one looks lovely on! :)
    well done on your weight loss as well :)

  5. you look so adorable, good on you for the loss, if only i could be as motivated as you lol xoxo

  6. I love that dress! I'm fairly new to your blog, I love dresses too! I love the spring vibe!

  7. Love that dress, really summery!! YAY Wll done for the weight loss, you look fab!

    I've nominated you for a sunshine award. Check it out @ http://bekyliedee.blogspot.com/2011/04/day-8.html



  8. Your dress is so cute, and I love the ruffles on the cardigan!
    I know exactly what you mean about nail painting taking up too much time. I could never be one of those people who wear a different nail colour every day, I'm far too impatient!

  9. congrats on the weight loss, you're looking great! hope sookie is doing well! x

  10. That dress looks fab on you. :-)

    21 pounds! well done you.

  11. pretty dress, and awesome on the weightloss! you have done so well, Gem!! :) i love finding things which you've forgotten about, like the bags, it's almost like shopping without the spending part...

  12. Congratulations on your weight loss!

    I love, love, love that dress! Is it a recent purchase?

  13. Thanks guys, can't wait to be able to shop anywhere. Plus size sections can be rubbish!
    @Cheryl- I bought this last year for a wedding actually but I ended up wearing something else and I've only worn this once before.

    @Rosie- deffo going to try those smelly polishes, they sound fab!

    @Gillian- I know, I just don't have the time or patience to paint my nails that often!

  14. congrats on the weight loss! You are really lucky to have willpower unfortunately my weightloss mission (i started yesterday) went tits up when i chowed into a cupcake followed by a doughnut. KEEP AT IT! but you look amazing anyway :) xxx

  15. Congrats on your weightloss! I'm on my 2nd week of weightwatchers so far, hopefully I can follow in your footsteps!

    I loooove your dress and cardi, you look so pretty and summery!

  16. Love that dress and the flower in your hair is so so pretty :)

  17. 21 lb!! Wow well done!
    You look fab btw xx

  18. Well done on the weight loss, are you doing a paticular diet?I'm trying to lose weight currently lost 9 1/2lbs will be very proud when I get to 21!xxx

  19. Such a gorgeous bag, i love it. I hope you had a good loss!

  20. your weightloss is really impressive, well done! your dress is so cute with that great floral print x

  21. Pretty, pretty, lady!! I love this dress on you, and your nail polish color is so nice. Congratulations on the weight loss!!! That's amazing. Go you!! :)

  22. looking gorgeous, the dress print is lovely and the cardigan is such a nice colour =)

    Bow Dream Nation xx

  23. Very pretty dress and cardi! I miss shopping at primark. I was in the uk for the past two summers and was able to buy some great accessories. I wish they would do online shopping! www.curvycanadian.blogspot.com

  24. Wow well done on the amazing weight loss! Thats fantastic!
    Love the dress, it such pretty colours!

  25. This outfit is fab and congratulations on the weightloss, you must be so proud of yourself :D

    Maria xxx

  26. update- another 1.5 lb off this week :)

    @funny little frog- I'm doing Weight Watchers


  27. Love that dress on you!
    Thanks for the Peacocks tip, had a look at their website and I might have to pop in...

    Miss P xx

  28. 21 lbs is amazing! great work :o) and this outfit is great! beautiful colours


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