Keep on dancing 'till the world ends

By Gem - 18:04:00

It's been a bit of a rubbish week for me. My parents are divorced and the house has been up for sale for a while and it has finally sold. I've lived here since I was 11 and I'm not looking forward to moving. We have about 8 weeks to find somewhere new to live and move in, scary stuff!

I've spent a fortune this week, probably trying to spend my feelings away haha...

I needed some new powder and I couldn't resist the Clinique gift time. I bought my usual powder and some skin care products and got a lovely tin full of goodies including some mascara, moisturiser, face soap and eye shadows. I have really bad skin and I used to take Isotretinoin for it. I stopped my treatment last year and now a few spots have started to come back. I drink plenty of water and get enough fruit and veg so there is nothing I can do there but I bought two products from the Clinique counter which I hope will help. One is to treat spots and the other, is to stop scarring.

Do you use any skin care products that you would recommend?

Also.. Happy Mothers Day!

I hope you are having a great day with your loved ones.

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  1. Sorry to hear about you having to move, and so quickly- hope you settle in easily to the new house and next week is a better week for you :) xx

  2. Sorry to hear about your parent's divorce and now your move, I can't imagine how hard it must be for you. You're totally justified in spending to make yourself feel better. Hope that you find somewhere that you love soon :)

  3. Oh dear, sounds like a rough week for you. I hope your hunt for a new place and housemove goes smoothly. I have bad skin, sadly no miracle products to report :(

  4. Sorry to hear you're having such a rubbish time :(

    Hope your new Clinique products help with your skin - wish I could recommend something for you, but I wouldn't have a clue..!

    Love that photo frame - so pretty :)

  5. Hope things get better for you soon lovely, I have less than perfect skin too. I used to think by the time i was in my 20's it would have sorted its self out but sadly this isnt ture. :[


  6. It must be hard at home but try concentrate on the good things in your life and keep yourself busy and happy =) I really like Lush skin care products, they are all natural and work well on my sensitive and dry face. Also anything with aloe vera is good too

    Bow Dream Nation xx

  7. I hope things start to get better at home! My mother liked to move - I have lived in 18 different houses (I am 34)...a change of scenery can be good!

    My skin strangely got bad at the age of 33 - never having had acne before I was clueless, even tried proactiv cause I was desperate (don't - if it bleaches towels it cannot be good for the skin).
    What finally worked was Dermalogica - made my skin a little dry for about 3 weeks, then it got used to it and it has been clear for more than a year. You can get little trial kits of the anti-bac products:)

  8. Thanks girls! I'm 23 and I shouldn't really be living at home with my mam now anyway... I've been looking at houses online and getting excited now :)
    I will try some of your skin care product tips, there are so many products out there I don't know where to start x

  9. ohh im sorry to hear about your home situation :(
    i have really awful skin too.
    ive tried everything but now im cleansing with no7 'balanced' cleanser, toning with tea tree toner from the body shop, and moisturising with the doctor brand blemish relief lotion. this seems to be doing the trick!
    im also using freederm gel, i would swear by it. its amazing! :D
    Rosie xo

  10. I'm sorry to hear about you having to move. When i was 18 we moved out of the house i grew up in and it was really hard. I hope you find somewhere nice to move too x

  11. i hope this week gets better for you hun!

  12. Gem it must be really hard moving from your home of so long, but I am sure a new house will bring more fond memories along the way and of course a new room to decorate. Hope you are okay.

    & I wanted to say a quick thank-you for organising the penpal exchange, I know it must have been a bit stressful but I am sure everyone will agree how wonderful it is to be able to write to someone. I got my first correspondence from my pen pal this week :) xxx

  13. @Alice-aaw no problem Alice :) can't wait to see everyone's pretty letters!
    I'm excited to decorate my new room


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