Swap Party Outfit

By Gem - 19:03:00

Hello everyone, hope you all had a fab weekend! I spent all day Saturday in work but popped into Cardiff City centre after and picked up this lovely dress from Peacocks. It was £20 which I think is fab as something similar in Topshop would have been about £45.
Dress: Peacocks
Cardigan: Asda
Tights: New Look
Brogues: Peacocks
Isn't the lace collar pretty?
I had a swap party on Sunday with all of my friends and it was a huge success. A swap party gave me and my friends a chance to clean out our wardrobes and swap unwanted stuff with each other. Swap parties are fun and economical way to find new things we want in exchange for things we no longer need - for free. I highly recommend holding your own party especially if you live in halls of residence because there will be loads of people to swap with.

The picture above is of all the things I wanted to swap and the table cloth below them is some fabric I got for £2 in the charity shop, bargain! I came away with lots of sample size make up which is perfect to pop in your bag, a few books and a jumper. I didn't take many photos because we were all having too much fun gossiping and drinking wine.

I got these lovely little Hummingbird Bakery note cards in a fab gift shop called Rossiters in the Royal Arcade in Cardiff. They have four different designs and have recipes on the back. If anyone wants me to post them one just email me at gemmasouthgate@hotmail.com. We could swap postcards and recipes :) Getting mail is so much fun.

Did you go anywhere nice on the weekend?
Got any nice recipes to share with me?

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  1. Peacocks really do have some nice prints in at the moment, and the lace collar is the perfect detailing.

    The swap party sounds like a great idea, especially when books and clothes are involved!

    The note cards are lovely, I am emailing you now :)x

  2. @Rai- Ta :)

    @Alice- People brought dvds, cds, make up and clothes so everyone left with something, I was very happy with my swaps. I'm going to hold another one soon. Yay send your address and I will post a card to you :)

  3. Such a great idea! I've always wanted to try something like that... I guess the one downside is not coming home with more stuff that you were trying to get rid of.. ;)

  4. I love your dress, the print is gorgeous! The hummingbird bakery cards look lovely, I love their cupcakes yumyumyum

    Bow Dream Nation xx

  5. Love it! I love that you had a swap party...just like I did a while back! Such a great idea!!!

    You look fab as always :)


  6. @Leah- I was lucky, I swapped big items like books and clothes for make up so my cupboards wont be too full with new things :)

    @Hannah- Thanks! There is a brownie recipe on some of them tham I'm going to try.

    @Natasha- It was so much fun, I will have another one in a few months

  7. I love the idea of a swap party! Also, that dress is so cute - I'll definitely keep my eyes open for it when I'm next in Peacocks.

  8. Argh, you just reminded me of a clothes swap that I meant to go to and completely forgot, it was last week! I can't believe I forgot!

    The Hummingbird Bakery book is the best, notecards is such a cute idea.

  9. Lovely dress. Our local Peacock is pap.I've the swap party idea :)

  10. Thanks guys, Peacocks is really good in Cardiff because the HQ is based there. I think it's probably the flagship store.

    @Nicola- oh no! you should host your own :)

  11. Wow, would have never thought your dress was from Peacocks! Swap party sounds like a wonderful idea too. Sally x

  12. Oh sounds like fun, unfortunately all my friends have a completely different style to me so it wouldn't really work :(

    I love that dress and can't believe it's from Peacocks, you've styled it perfectly xxx

  13. IF ONLY I was domestically gifted enough to tackle the task of baking cupcakes...I make nothing more than a mess. They look so delicious x

  14. What a brilliant idea for a girly night in (I'd definitely not turn down the wine either hehe). Can imagine it wouldn't be quite as successful in my group of friends because we're all different proportions / bust / height wise etc, but a good idea nonetheless :) jazzy ♥

  15. @Claire & Victoria- My friends and I were all different sizes so I opened it up to books, cd's and make up too. Everyone left with something nice :)

    @c'est freak, le chic- I'm not a very good baker, I buy mine!

  16. I love the idea of a swap party.

  17. Love the brogues.

  18. I'm thinking of buying this dress for some uni interviews because its smart but comfortable and really my style I'll wear it with a little black cardigan and a vintage bag though i think me dragging along a extremely heavy black portfolio might ruin the look haha :P

    aroselikethis.blogspot.com xx

  19. @aroselikethis- It comes in Black too :) it's smart but has some personality so perfect for uni interviews :) x


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