Fat Frocks January

By Gem - 12:49:00

January has not been very exciting but I have had some lovely days out and discovered lots of new things to do in Cardiff. The Allo Darlin' gig has been my highlight so far and I'm going to see Frankie and the heartstrings on the 25th of Feb and I can't wait!

Loving: My dog (such a loser) she makes me smile every day.

Listening to: Adele, Britney Spears new song, Frankie and the Heartstrings and The Vaccines.

Wanting: A really nice pair of boots or shoes that I can wear to work but I just can't find anything that fits :(

Reading: Oh Comely magazine and What I Was by Meg Rosoff

Making: Healthy food because I'm trying to look lovely for a friends wedding in the summer.

Watching: Gossip Girl, Boardwalk Empire, Fashion Police, Baker Boys (only shown on the BBC in Wales but watch it on i player, nice drama that's quite funny and sums up what it's like to be from a small valley town), Nurse Jackie and My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding (obviously)

Buying: Bags from Primark

Planning: A big summer adventure, hopefully Brighton.

Writing: Some guides to Cardiff for Fat Quarter magazine and British Style Bloggers network.

Everyone have a lovely January? Got any good music/book recommendations for me?

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  1. I can't wait to have a summer adventure this year :)

    Rosie x

  2. I'm trying to find some nice boots to but failing!

  3. It is hard to find a good pair of shoes to wear to work. I love Boardwalk Empire, I've heard a lot of people say it is slow paced..

  4. Pumps just aren't good for work, especially as I'm on my feet all day, I would love something a little more durable and supportive.

    Boardwalk Empire was fab, I don't mind slow paced, it's nice to have a new series I can watch and look forward to x

  5. If anyone wants a ragdoll go and check out Rai's blog- http://blarglefargle.blogspot.com/ for info and rates.

    Thanks Rai, mine is lovely :)

  6. I really want to try and track down an issue of that Oh Comely magazine, and I am crossing my fingers that I get to Brighton this summer too, I fell so madly in love with the place last year, the pier, the deck chairs the junk shops... love at first sight pretty much xx

  7. @Alice- the full list of stockists is on the Oh Comely site I think but I got mine in WH Smiths :) worth searching for!

  8. My January was pretty decent, it just took forever to get done with for me. I definitely recommend listening to Tame Impala, Belleruche, I could go on and on. :)

  9. Thanks Thomessa I will check those out. I'm always on the lookout for new bands x

  10. I'm with you, I can't wear pumps at work either. I have yet to find the perfect shoe to wear to work, it is something I dream of.

    I'm with you, I don't find Boardwalk Empire slow at all, I love it. Sad I've missed the last few episodes but I'm sure I'll get it on DVD when it comes out.

  11. I LOVE Oh Comely, such a great new addition to my life!

  12. @Hello Bee- Fab isn't it ?! so pretty I wont be throwing it in the recycling that's for sure


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