It's been a slow week...

By Gem - 19:34:00

It's been a pretty busy week for me work wise so that means I've not been anywhere fun. I have tomorrow off but the weather in south Wales in awful so I don't think I will be able to go anywhere, maybe a museum or cinema trip would be a good idea. Anyway, here's my week in photos-

  1. I bought a copy of the NME for the first time in ages this week because there was a nice interview with my new favourite band Frankie and the Heartstrings in it. I can't wait to see them at the end of the month and I'm even more excited because my friend Emma is interviewing them and I get to tag along. Check out my fave Frankie and the Heartstrings song- Fragile here.
    I have no idea what to wear so I might post a few outfit choices and let you decide nearer the date.

  2. The lovely Alice from An Alien World sent me a sweet letter with lots of lovely things inside, I really love the little Naughty Alice card because that's the perfume I wear.Thanks Alice :)
    I'm thinking about setting up a bloggers pen pal exchange thingy... Not sure how to go about it yet but it's lovely receiving post so I thought a few people would like to join in.

  3. I've had my tea collection since Christmas but I forgot all about it so I've been busy trying to sample all my lovely teas. The strong Assam tea is the best in the collection. I'm such a tea fiend, I can drink about 10 cups a day!

  4. I got this Disney Couture necklace from asos, I've wanted it for ages and now its in the sale I thought I would treat myself. It's gold plated to it wont tarnish and I wont be allergic to it but I will probably chance the chain to a piece of ribbon because the chain isn't gold. It's really annoying having an allergy, I can't wear any Topshop/cheapy jewellery.

  5. I spent the morning on the sofa having a cwtch with Sookie because we were both so tired and caught up on Fridays episode of True Blood and Boardwalk Empire.

  6. This week I have been watching My So Called life, it's a great series from the 90s starring Clare Danes and Jared Leto. It's such a shame that it was so short lived and only had one series :(
    I talk about Britney all the time but the documentary For the Record makes me cry, it shows how isolating and lonely it can be to be a star and I recommend watching it if you want to know what Britney is really like.

What are you doing tonight? I'm watching the Bafta red carpet coverage on E! and drinking more tea.

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  1. I like post but rarely get anything thatnisn't bills!!!
    MMM Jared Leto <3 x

  2. I am also a tea nut! My week was dominated by work. Pants. Will have to make sure something more interesting happens this week. x

  3. @Lady Cherry-I'm going to try and go somewhere/anywhere tomorrow but this rain is so depressing.
    @Amy- Depressing isn't it? Jared is such a cutie in My So Called Life :)

  4. ahhh im watching the baftas right noww <33
    and tea? i can drink about 10 cups a day of normal tea, so i would love to try some of that!!
    -Rosie xo

  5. @Rosie- So happy to see Christopher Lee get that award, The Wicker Man is one of my fave films. Colin Firth is looking super dishy!
    Whittards in Cardiff is good, I always ask for samples and come out with bag fulls of tea :) x

  6. Gosh I remember buying NME every week for years when I was in six form and just starting university. It use to be my bible for gigs and reviews, it was so brilliantly written. I might have to take a peek at it and see what it's like these days.

  7. @Rachael- I've got a huge pile of them from school and college all the ones with The Strokes and The Libertines in :) back in 2002 until about 2007 I don't want to throw them away. The piece on Frankie and the Heartstrings was good and I they had a double page on Nicki Minaj too

  8. I watched the BAFTA's too, so many lovely frocks!
    I used the buy NME every week but haven't done so in ages, I might get one soon just for the nostalgia factor!

  9. I'm drinking tea right now and i still feel the envy of that tea selection. And your cup is so lovely <3.
    You have a really pretty blog and the outfits you post are awesome.

  10. Oh I loved My So Called Life, must get my hands on a boxset to re-live my youth! Sally x

  11. Oh my god, My So Called Life! :D That takes me back!

    Great post, always nice to get to know a blogger rather than just appreciate their content.

  12. Thanks guys.
    I think you can watch the whole series on youtube, each episode is split into lots of part but the box set was cheap on amazon. Well worth it x

  13. Sorry I haven’t been in touch sooner! I have been away the past few days and have only just managed to get online. I’m so glad you liked the letter :) Nothing beats good old fashioned mail and letter writing in my opinion.

    My Hummingbird card was waiting on my doormat this morning, though may I say my cat was quite mesmerized by the little pieces inside! I had to try and pick them up off the floor before he could eat them.

    I would love to set up/take part in a pen pal exchange with a group of bloggers it would be so much fun xx

    p.s Love Disney Couture, I have admired there jewellery for quite a while, all the pieces always seem so magical and that bit special.

  14. @Alice- haha forgot that I put little flowers in. Hope you went away somewhere exciting.
    I will have a little whink about what will be the best way to set up the exchange, should be fun :)
    Disney Couture is fab, I've got a few peices now and they don't tarnish because they are gold plated and they are a more mature way to show my Disney love. x


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