52 Lists - List your favourite books

By Gem - 08:00:00

1. Submarine - Joe Dunthorne  
2. The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, Aged 13¾ - Sue Townsend
3. Blood and Roses - Helen Castor
4. Bonjour Tristesse - Françoise Sagan
5. Neverwhere - Neil Gaiman
6. The Perks of Being a Wallflower - Stephen Chbosky
7. Junky - William S. Burroughs
8. Harry Potter & Discworld books. 

What are your favourite books?

This is part of the 52 lists series by Emma from Made in Hunters which I'm dipping in and out of.

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  1. Oooo theres a couple of books in there that I haven't read. Great for inspiration! thanks!

  2. I love books--write them too. Mine are fantasy, paranormal or dystopian adventure.
    You reminded me of a movie I saw at the age of 16 Bonjour Tristesse. It had a great effect on me. Of course, the book is usually superior to the film, which I saw in 1958.

  3. I love to read! I grew up with the Harry Potter books so they will always have a special place in my heart. I also love Kelly Armstrong and Katie Flynn books.

  4. I haven't read many of those books - only the Harry Potter books and Perks of Being a Wallflower. I think I might have to have a look at a few of those books. You can never read too many books!

    Rachael at broomfie.blogspot.com

    1. That's so true, Submarine is well worth a read x

  5. Oh I remember reading the Secret Diary of Adrian Mole when I was younger - could really read that again, also been meaning to pick up Submarine for sometime. Great list :)

    Laura x

  6. Discworld, HP and anything by Sue Townsend! love it! Have you read the Queen and I, think that is my fav!
    Two Hearts One Roof

    1. Just finished that, laughed so hard at some of the Charles bits1 xx

  7. Tuesdays with Morrie, Astrid & Veronika, The Kite Runner, The Alchemist, and anything by Victoria Hislop and Louise Douglas x

  8. My favorite books have been Alice in Wonderland, especially Sherlock Holmes, Agatha Christie books too.

  9. I've just added aaaaall of these that I haven't read to my goodreads :) <3 Claire @ Jazzpad


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