Polka dot dress - wedding guest outfit

By Gem - 12:39:00

polka dot dress wedding guest

Dress: M&Co - shoes: Clarks Chorus Voice - Bag: Vivienne Westwood

I headed up to Sheffield last weekend to witness the wedding of someone who is very special to me. I met Alice a few years ago online and we became pen pals and have met up a few times on weekends away. I've said it before but some of the strongest friendships I have were forged online and I'm very grateful for all the friendships that blogging has brought me.

It took me ages to find the perfect dress as I wanted something pretty special but not too short as it was a church wedding and it had to be comfortable. I think this dress fitted the bill and it's on sale at the moment so I encourage you to snap it up if you have an event to attend. I wish I had bought it at the sale price, things always seem to go on sale the week after I buy something... The skirt is super swooshy and I felt great in this dress.

A picture of blue suede chorus voice shoes from Clarks

I added some very bright but comfortable shoes to the outfit to break up the monochrome look and kept accessories simple because I wanted the dress to be the main star of the show (but mainly because I forgot to pack jewellery) Sadly we had absolutely torrential rain in the morning and all the curls I had spent ages perfecting dropped and my make up came off but I tried not to worry about it. 

Martyn is most comfortable in jeans, a band t-shirt and a pair of Vans and wears this most days so it was lovely to see him all dressed up and looking smart. I had very little input with this outfit so I think he did very well. He takes all my photos for me now and thought it would be funny to mock my hand on hip 'teapot post', tut. 

I would like to wish Alice the best of luck for her future with Simon and thank you for letting me share such a special day with you.

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  1. Cute dress and super cute shoes, love the way the blue pops plus they do look comfortable too!

  2. I love polka dots. Dress looks great on you. Don't worry about not buying in sale. Chances are they wouldn't have had any left if you'd waited. That's why I usually tell myself! Tracey x

  3. Oh that dress is a beauty. It reminds me of a Topshop one I had a few years ago and wish I'd never got rid of!

  4. You look gorgeous Gem, I love the pop of the blue with those shoes, amazing! x

    Leanne - A Slice of My Life

  5. Oh you look stunning! Love the bright shoes with the dress too, I do love a blue heel!


  6. You look gorgeous, I absolutely love your dress choice and the colour of your shoes - I'm actually wearing a top in that exact shade as I type. Some of my closest friends are via blogging, who'd have thought it. But there is something about people putting their thoughts down in writing and showing images that represent them, that really lets you know a person quicker and in more depth, I think!

  7. Such a cute dress, I am really loving polka dots this year and I have a wedding to go to in a few months and this has given me a great idea for an outfit, thanks for sharing :)

    Laura x

  8. The perfect wedding outfit, absolutely!! How gorgeous x

  9. Aww sounds like a lovely day, and you both look so swish babs! <3 Claire @ Jazzpad

  10. Oh my gosh, feeling all emotional reading this! You looked beautiful Gem, I have so many memories, I think it involved dancing (crazily) with you and Alex at one point. And I sure do hope my Mum didn't talk you to death for hours on end! I just know I can't wait to get the official photographs back, I have a feeling there might be a blogger one in the midst... :D
    Thank you with all of my heart for witnessing my wedding, although I'm 'Mrs', I'm still very much the same Alice who loves Home Bargains, and scoffs all kinds of choccies in the Travelodge... never ever lose touch, because you are the kindest and most outgoing person I know. And my Daddy very much liked the song choice ;)


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