52 lists - List your life essentials

By Gem - 12:29:00

(photos are from my instagram account)

1. Support from Martyn.

2.Sookie kisses

3.Friends to have summer adventures with.

4.A tasty home cooked meal.

5.A pair of Clarks shoes for work.

6.A good book.

7.Cold bottle of beer after a long day.

8.Laughing at in-jokes with my brother.

9. A day in bed once a month to watch movies and unwind.

10.The Maccabees, The Horrors and Maximo Park.

11. Tea and a biscuit to dunk.

12.Rail pass.

13. A diary.

14. Floral dresses.

This is part of the 52 lists series by Emma from Made in Hunters which I'm dipping in and out of.

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  1. These are some pretty good essentials! Mine would probably be my healthcare, a comfy bed, my family, my friends, creativity and ALL THE FOOD.

  2. Some good ideas - a tasty home cooked meal would be on my list every day for sure.

    Heather x

  3. Ooh yes, think I'd have to copy a few of those, especially a day in bed once a month and tea with biscuits for dunking!

  4. Lovely post! You've definetly got me thinking about mine!

    Emma x

  5. I agree with so many of them being essentials in life! Great list!
    Two Hearts One Roof

  6. Friends, family and food, what else do you need?!

    Maria xxx


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