Christmas Wishlist

By Gem - 11:28:00

All my Christmas shopping is done now, hurrah! Trawling through the internet for the perfect gifts for friends and family has meant that I've now got a pretty bit Christmas wishlist of my own. I think I probably spent more time looking at things thast I would like rather than gifts for others...

christmas wishlist 2012

1. I always want a Yankee candle, my brother has a few and I only ever buy the little sample ones but they don't last very long. It seems a tad indulgent to spend £19.99 on a candle but it's Christmas so why not!? I must admit I'm pretty jealous of Elton John and his candle room.

2. Origins Checks and Balances Frothy Face Wash £14.45. I was given a sample of this when I was loitering around the Origins counter in John Lewis, sniffing all the bottles. (Origins things smell so good) and I love it. It leaves me skin feeling so clean and fresh but doesn't dry me out. This would be an ideal Christmas present for me. (Hint hint little brother)

3. It's no secret that I love Vivienne Westwood, I have a few items now and they are things that I save up for or get for special occasions like my 21st birthday.  These orb earrings are completely different to all the other items I own from Vivienne Westwood and I stumbled upon them on Cruise when I was looking for the Melissa shoes with hearts on and I fell in love.£63 is on the expensive side but I think they are something I would get a lot of wear out of.

4. I would love some more film for my instax camera. I take it to all the parties and weekends away I go on and I've captured some of my favourite photos on it this year. I've got a few shots left for Christmas day but I've got a feeling I will want to get snap happy on New Years Eve.£24 but £14 on eBay.

5. I love leopard print so these shoes must be mine. It's ok to wear a leopard print dress, shoes and coat all at the same time right? They are from  Moda in Pelle and court shoes are perfect for work, a little bit of height but I can still walk to the train station in them and they would jazz up a plain black dress. £59.99

What's on your Christmas list?

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  1. Well done on completing your Christmas shopping, I still have a few things to get but I'm getting there!
    My Christmas list is mostly made up of home stuff with me only moving out this year, I'd like a blender, slow cooker and some weighing scales....boring eh? xxx

    1. haha I only want impractical things :)

  2. You should try Diptique candles, they're a bit more exspensive but SO amazing.
    Loving this list.


  3. Love those shoes! They actually have really similar ones in Primark =) not as nice though! x

  4. Cherries on snow smells beautiful I'm with you on the price tag though it puts me off buying x

  5. VW earrings oh goodness me yes please!

    I hope you have a lovely Christmas xx

  6. I desperately need to start my christmas shopping! Here's what I want though!

    Merry Christmas!! :) x

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  8. Haha I think I'm guilty of looking at more things for myself too but good your Christmas shopping is about done and your not a Christmas Eve shopper lol. Great items :)

  9. I want those orb earrings so much! And I'm with you on the price of Yankee Candles, best to get them as presents :-)

    Nat x


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