A week (and a bit) in Photos

By Gem - 18:51:00

It has been another busy week for me, it is deadline time for students so the library is crazy busy. I've still had time to relax and party though and this is what I've been up to-

Scrap booking- I'm not like those crazy American mums who spend hours creating very elaborate scrapbooks with ribbon and craft glue. I just stick everything in a big book with pritt stick so I don't lose all of my gig tickets and little things I pick up on my travels. I find it quite therapeutic and it gave me a chance to reflect on all the fun things I've done this year.

I went out in Cardiff on Saturday and drank quite a few cocktails....

Too many mojitos=total mess. I ended up back at my mates house by 12 watching X Factor and having some toast. Can't party like I used to any more!

I won a giveaway on A Blog From Blackpool and Danielle sent me these lovely goodies. I scoffed the choccy straight away and been wearing the festive brooch to work :) Thanks Danielle!

This is what I wore to work yesterday, it is sooo cold in Cardiff so I'm digging all out all my long sleeved dresses and my fur stole to keep warm.

Dress: Dorothy Perkins
Belt: Dorothy Perkins
Stole: H&M

I'm going to the Bristol Bloggers Christmas party on Friday which I am really excited about and it means I get to annoy the lovely Lyzi and Bee again and I'm sharing a room with Leanne and Vicky. Are you coming? Say hello to me on twitter as I think a few of us are meeting for lunch before we check in to the hotel at 3ish.

I also posted on Where Are My Knees? last week about my -50lbs loss this year which you can read here.

Are you finding all this festivity too much of a fuss? What have you enjoyed doing recently?

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  1. Love that purple dress Gem, gorgeous colour! The scrapbooking is a great idea, I keep all tickets and little things in a box but this is a good way to display things and be able to look through them easier! x

  2. Love the purple dress with the belt it looks absolutely gorgeous on you! And so jealous of how well red lippy suits you...


  3. Cute scrapbook :)

    You look lovely in these photos. Love the red lippie.

    Cannot wait for Friday now roomie!! Not sure about all this going home by 12 business mind haha xx

  4. The colour of this dress is gorgeous, and really really suits you!
    I hope you have a super time at the blogger party!x

  5. drunk or not you still manage to look great! you really suit red lippie :) i think you've inspired me to keep a scrapbook. i always keep my tickets and stuff but never do anything with them! x

  6. YOU WENT TO SEE VAMPIRE WEEKEND??? I am so jealous. So. Jealous. They're my all time favorite band, my everything.
    Hahaha, I bet they were amazing!
    But seriously, that is so cool.
    Smart idea to keep a scrapbook. I should do that...haha. But I don't think you look like much of a mess, even after the cocktails :)
    Cute outfit, I definitely need more long-sleeved dresses (I have none).

    And congrats on your 50-lb loss! I read the post hahaha, very nice.



  7. I've got a scrapbook which I keep all of my tickets in, it's a lovely thing to look back on. I've got a massive pile of presents to wrap and am feeling a bit too stressed!

  8. Love that purple dress, it's such a nice colour on you. I bought the pink version of it last time I was shopping!
    I used to keep a scrapbook when I was younger but haven't done one in years, I really must get back into it!

    Gillian x

  9. Your scrapbook looks good, I'm intrigued!
    Your dress is also a lovely shade of purple, I was looking for a dress that colour last year but couldn't find one!

  10. you need to wear red lipstick FOREVER!x

  11. Thanks Rose. Saw them in 2007 I think aaaages ago now in the Students Union in Bristol. Loved them!

    Klee, I would love to. Might rock it in work next week as red is quite festive ;)

  12. Looking very glam in the fur stole Gem!

  13. Have a wicked time at the Christmas party doll! SO jealous I can't make it, alas, Dad's birthday.

    ♥ Claire @ Jazzpad

  14. I love the purple dress, the colour really suits you. Look forward to meeting you at the blogger party tommorrow. I am afraid I definitely can't party like I used to either.

  15. looks like you have had lots of fun. haha i cant go out too late anymore. the late night toast is often the bit i loo forward to the most! have fun at the christmas party! xx

  16. Love the colour of this dress! Really suits you. Also want one of those fur stoles - I hope santa brings me one :)



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