Breton Stripes

By Gem - 12:00:00

This outfit is very different from what I normally wear, for a start I'm not wearing black tights which I live in. I always love how Liv styles a classic striped top but I don't own any trousers so I paired mine with a black pencil skirt and my favourite shoes. I think this is a fairly chic look for work for me considering I sometimes turn up in converse and a hoody.


Top: Fred Perry
Skirt: New Look
Shoes: Vivienne Westwood flat shoes by Melissa
Glasses: Osiris, Specsavers


I've been reading up on the history of the Breton stripe and it's fascinating. It was originally worn by French navy seamen in Brittany and the original design featured 21 stripes, one for each of Napolean's victories. It was then appropriated by Coco Chanel in her nautical collection and has been worn by some of my favourites like Jean Seburg, Edie Sedgwick and more recently Alexa Chung.

I don't think I carry off stripes with quite the same finesse as Jean but I like my very British and Fred Perry taken on the look. I'm currently in Norbury Manor with some of my favourite blogging people eating cake and frolicking around. Hope you're all having a lovely weekend!

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  1. You're looking fantastic! xxx

    1. Thanks! Bit different for me so I wasn't sure about it x

  2. Love this look. You can't go wrong with a Breton stripe top! x

  3. You look great :) I love Breton stripes! x

  4. you pull it off nicely, whats not to love?

  5. Whistle for a hottie! Stripes suit you :) Hope you're having the best bloggy weekend xx

    1. Thank yoooou, was lovely and gutted to come back xx

  6. I love your striped top, you look so pretty with your hair up too :) x

  7. Ooh, always have love for a Breton stripe! You look fab x x

    Xo Amie

  8. ooh Fred Perry very nice! I need to get my bretons out more, I only wear them once in a while.Jean Seaberg is so gorgeous!xx

  9. You're looking so small! Collarbones! Love these stripes.

  10. Love how you've styled this look!

  11. Reaaaally love this top with the pencil skirt on you, you look super stylish :) x

  12. I had no idea that was where stripes came from, I mean I knew the nautical reference but not the 21 thing, that's really interesting! You look so grown up and wise ;) ♥ Claire @ Jazzpad


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