Little Black Dress

By Gem - 15:47:00

After spending nearly £200 on a folding shower door for my new bathroom (can you think of anything more boring to spend money on?) I have been skint all month. I really want some new clothes because most of my old ones are too big for me, my leggings fell down yesterday! good job I hadn't left the house or that could have been rather embarrassing.
No money + no clothes that fit = Gemma goes rummaging in suitcases under the bed for old clothes that fit again.This is the result of my rummaging...

Dress: H&M - 5 years old
Cardigan: Dorothy Perkins - 8 years old!!
Shoes: New Look - New
Belt - Dorothy Perkins - New

My brother was the official photographer and there were poeple doing work on the church next door, staring at us. Sookie my dog was not impressed and barked at them, a lot. You can't help but laugh at my dog, she has such a silly face.

Stopped laughing, serious face!

It's amazing what you can find when you have a look through your old clothes, this is a really classic little black dress. It has a lovely round neck which is quite Joan/Mad Men and there is no way I would get rid of it. While I love a good sort out and really relish giving a sack full or clothes to the charity shop it pays to keep hold of simple items like this that you can wear over an over again.
I've bought a few plain dresses since September and I'm going to try and wear them more often, switching cardigans and belts to create new looks. I really don't need any new clothes if I can forget that I own dresses like this for over three years!

Just because I haven't posted a photo of Sookie for a while...

 She is the Chistmas present that just keeps on giving!

What do you do to create looks on a budget? What have you got lurking in your cupboards?!

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  1. Can really tell you've lost weight, you look fab xxx

  2. Such a nice outfit, love the dress, such a classic!

  3. Awww Sookie :) Nice Cardi!

  4. I love the laughing picture! Don't even get me started on lack of clothes/money...poor is an understatement. & as good as it feels having your clothes fall off, having hardly any clothes that fit isn't fun!

  5. I love finding forgotten gems like that, you look great. Sookie is adorable.

  6. Buying house stuff is so boring isn't it! Lovely finds though - gorgeous cardi x

  7. I hoard old clothes like no business! I must have got a fair few pieces from my youth that I probably don't fit into anymore... but you know one day I might just need them! You look gorgeous Gem xxx

  8. oh man i so feel this at the moment, im rewearing clothes that i had completely forgotten about because i can't afford more!
    you look lovely btw, :D
    Rosie xo

  9. LOL your dog looks like she's doing an actual cocked head pose for the camera, she's so cute!

    Your outfit has made me want to rummage for things equally as nice, unfortunatly all my under the bed clothes are covered in ginger cat hair


  10. You look so cute, I love this dress. I really love the laughing picture too, you look so adorable. I hate when people stare at me when I take pictures, it just makes me smirk oddly or scowl.

    Sookie is quite a cutie.

    Creating looks on a budget usually just includes clearance sales or just going through the closet to make new outfits out of old stuff. In the cupboards? Oh my, lots of tea! LOTS.


  11. You look amazing :) Love it when you find old clothes and love them all over again! Your dog is way too cute!

    The Deer Head


  12. It's great when you find something you haven't worn for ages, almost like buying new clothes! Lovely dress, a really nice classic design :) x

  13. omg i actually had that exact same cardigan. i don't know why i got rid of it to be honest. you are looking so slim & cute gem! xx

  14. ha! You have a very sarcastic looking dog.

    (I have been reading your blog for a while, and feel mildly ashamed my first comment is about your dog) xx

  15. Thanks ladies, I'm going to have a clear out more often. Bet I've got loads more lurking around.
    Isn't Sookie great? she did the same annoyed face like that last night when I put a santa hat on her. Not impressed! haha

    @Caroline- I wasn't sure about it at first but I'm really loving leopard at the moment. It has cute pink buttons too!

    @Honeysuckelle- they were so annoying, I'm taking photos it's not weird, go away!

    @Eloise- she really is a little poser! All my stuff is covered in white dog hair, I'm constantly using my sticky roller to get it off.

  16. What a gorgeous outfit! I'm going to go and have a search through my wardrobe and see what I can find now!

  17. Well done Gem! The dress looks great on you :)

  18. I love looking through my wardrobe and finding things that I'd forgotten about!

  19. OOh what a great feeling that your clothes are falling off xx

  20. Gosh, you look great!

    I'm in the same boat. Am currently wearing six year old River Island jeans! I've been getting most of my clothes from ebay recently for £1-£3.

    I don't want to spend a huge amount of clothes just yet simply because it's pointless. I won't be this size much longer.

    When I went from size 18 to a 16 it was exciting! Now I've gone from 16 to 14 I'm like 'again'!? Nothing fits and it's annoying.

  21. Thank-you for the comment my lovely, you look so gorgeous.. I agree about going through your old clothes, it's amazing what you can find!

  22. You look lovely! Big fan of your cardi and shoes :) Congratulations on the weight loss, you look really great!!

  23. Cute outfit, congrats on the weight loss!


  24. Aaaaaaah your dog's face is priceless. I don't quite know what to call that expression but it's bloody marvelous. Love that frock on you mrs! ♥ Claire @ Jazzpad

  25. Im loving your blog :)

    I've just become a new follower, would love it if you could check mine out x

  26. You should be so proud of yourself, you look really fantastic and I LOVE this outfit, I always go back to my grey cardigan and a floral dress, you really cannot beat it!

    Maria xxx

  27. I love finding forgotten gems like that, you look great. Sookie is adorable.

  28. You have lost Great deal of weight! Congrats!! I am using Lipobind for it :)


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