Caru: Blogs I Love Pt 2

By Gem - 20:35:00

I did a post waaay back in January about some of my fave bloggers who are Welsh or based in Wales and I thought it was time I did another. I've met some fantastic ladies in blogger events across Wales and the South West recently and I wanted to introduce you to a few of them.

First up is the lovely Mia who is a 20 yr old Journalism Student at Cardiff Uni, President of Cardiff Uni Fashion Society and always a fab vintage events in Cardiff. This girl is super busy! Her blog is a mix of what's hot in Cardiff, great photos and seriously stylish posts.

Next is the ever so sweet Kate Lousie who I met at the Bristol Blogger Meet Up and she came along to the South Wales event that I organised. Her blog is a mix of positive posts, reviews and photos of yummy food. I like to read a mix of blogs and not just outfit posts and Kate's blog is great for that.

And last but not least is Chantelle from Daisy Dayz. Chantelle and I planned the South Wales Blogger Meet Up together, I was so lucky to work with her because she is way more organised than me. Chantelle has so many jobs, I don't know how she does it. She works in a pub, writes for various publications and blogs. Her blog has lots of outfit posts, collection previews and reviews.

I really enjoy meeting other Welsh bloggers and reading about things going on in my area, do you read many blogs by local bloggers? Or do you mainly read niche blogs such as beauty or plus size?

If you are a blogger in South Wales or you think I would enjoy reading your blog please leave me your links, I'm always on the lookout for lovely new things to read.

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  1. Awww hun - love yoooou! :D You're coming to the Bristol Crimbo meet yeah? :) xoxox

  2. I love finding new bloggers so love theses kinds of posts. Going to check them out!

  3. I love to read fellow welsh bloggers too xxx

  4. I'm South Wales(ex-Cardiff) based and I *love* finding other Welsh bloggers. When I first started a few years back they seemed to be in the minority, but there are lots more now...yay! Going to have a look at your recommendations now xx

  5. I love finding Liverpool bloggers but there aren't many out there to be honest! Have you seen Hayley's UK bloggers map? it's really good for finding neighbours.

  6. @helen- I love that map, very handy when I had my Swales event because I could find people to invite. Great way to find local bloggers.
    @kate Louise- yeah, I will be there :)
    @Georgia- I know, there are loads of us now! Anchor of Roses and Chantellle who I mention in the post have lots of links to Welsh bloggers.

  7. I'm a Cardiff based blogger! Not so active as I should be but hopefully this is the year I make a better go of it :)


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