Dorset Holiday - West Bay

By Gem - 15:16:00

I said I had plenty of photos to share from my holiday and I meant it, I've posted about Lulworth Cove and Corfe Castle so far but here are my photos from my afternoon at West Bay. The last time I visited they sky was a dull grey and 70mph winds made it impossible to get on the beach let alone go for a stroll so it was great to return on a sunny day and make the most of it.

a picture of west bay broadchurch dorset

We enjoyed lovely views of the East Cliff from the harbour. It has been calculated that each metre of rock would have taken about 20,000 years to accumulate on the seabed where it originated. So it would have taken about 860,000 years for the depth of the rock exposed in the cliff to accumulate. This all happened about 200 million years ago. Geology normally isn't my thing but I loved the contrast between the orange layers and the bright blue sky. 



Dress: Dorothy Perkins - Cardigan: Primark - Jacket: Barbour - Wellies : Short Gloss Hunters

a picture of west bay broadchurch dorset

I can honestly say that in the sun this was one of the most beautiful posts I've had the pleasure of visiting. I do love a holiday abroad but you have to admit that the UK has some lovely beaches.

a picture of west bay broadchurch dorset

I'm now back in work with no major leave booked until September, dreaming of another holiday in Dorset. Sob. I do wish I was sitting on that rock looking at at the sea right now.


You will be glad to know I'm all settled in my new house with only a bit of painting left to do. Hurrah! This means nobody has to hear me talking excitedly about moving anymore.

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  1. Ahh your Dorset holidays look so lovely, whenever I go on a UK break it rains and rains so always puts me right off! :) xx

  2. That first photo of the sea is incredible! What lens do you use? I need it


    1. Thanks :) it's the standard one that came with my Nikon D3200 xx

  3. Your so right about British beaches - also have the best rock pools too!

  4. Great photos Gem, those first two could be put on the wall and framed! I have a long weekend booked from tomorrow, and then a week off in August to go to Devon with the OH's family, but no sunshine abroad probably until September. It's chucking it down today, can I wait that long?! x

    1. I did get the first one printed off :) Devon sounds wonderful, I'm thinking North Wales or the Lake District x

  5. Beautiful photo's. Photo's taken at the seaside are always stunning if you have a good camera. I'm lucky that I live by the sea and can bore people senseless with all my pics :)

  6. Love your photos. It's been way too long since I went to the seaside.

  7. Beautiful photos. Looks like a lovely spring day there

  8. Lovely photos looks like a beautiful place

  9. This looks so perfect! I really want to visit Dorset!

  10. I've just found your blog and imagine my surprise when I scroll down to find my home county on your post! Hahah absolutely mental, West Bay is beautiful, especially in the summer, but after the Broadchurch epidemic, there are even more tourists than before which makes living here a bit crazy! I'm living in Italy at the moment but am from Dorchester (county town of Dorset!) and have friends all over so reading this made me a bit homesick but in a great way like, aw what a lovely place I can call home! Following now, your blog is lovely and as I'm losing weight at the moment too it's nice to have somewhere to relate back to! :-) x


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