Precious Time

By Gem - 20:55:00

I have had another busy week spent with my lovely friends and family. This is what I've been up to...

I made lots of heart decorations for our Valentines 'Love Your Libraries' day at Cardiff University. We got the students to tell us what they love about the library on heart post it notes and on twitter. I got carried away with it all and made so heart shaped bunting too.
I went to see The Woman in Black with my friends for Valentines day and scoffed loads of sweets and swapped cards. Have you seen it? I was so scared, I had to watch it through my fingers.

Been up in the attic digging out old clothes. I'm pretty skint at the moment and I want to try and wear more of my old clothes rather than wasting money on new ones. Don't think this is really my style but it was comfy and smart enough for work. I picked up the blouse in Peacocks in the sale a few years ago and forgot all about it. I delved into my jewellery box and found my Vivienne Westwood necklace that I forgot all about. I have so much stuff, I really don't need to spend for a while.

I got these little earrings on eBay along with 4 other pairs and paid about £6 for the lot, bargain! I got the ring in my Cosmo Awards bag but I have no idea who made it, anyone got any ideas? Would love to buy another one.

The brow kit was another eBay and only cost about £2.50. I have trouble finding powders dark enough but this is a lovely shade. The No7 lipstick is from the Vital Brights range and is a great everyday shade. It is really sheer, lightweight and doesn't dry your lips out. I bought it with one of those £5 off vouchers that you always seem to get in Boots and I've worn it everyday. Will be buying another one of these as I think they are limited edition. I stayed at a friends last night and made us this lentil, peppers and feta salad, it really was the nicest thing I've had in ages so I will put the recipe up on Where Are My Knees in the week.

I wore this to my friends house last night. The skirt was only £8 in Primark and I love it, I'm pretty obsessed with leopard print at the moment but I do feel a little over dressed and Kat Slater in it.

What have you been up to this week? I suspect most of you had lovely Valentines plans or up to something fabulous at LFW!

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  1. You found some great bargains! I love Ebay for picking up deals, I recently managed to get hold of Revlon matte lippies for about £3.50 when they sell in Boots for £7.99! Most impressed with that one! Naturally I bought every shade they had and probably spent more than I would have if they were the normal price but hey ho!


    1. I got a revlon lippie from there recently, really bright coral and I love it. Even if we buy them all in different colours it is still a total bargain ;) x

  2. You're looking so slim in every one of these photos Gem! Time for a blog url change? ;) Can't wait to see the recipe for that salad, it looks and sounds lovely and would be perfect to take to work :) x

    1. thaaaaanks :) you will love that salad, I've never eaten anything so quickly! soo tasty x

  3. You look amazing in these photos and I LOVE the heart bunting, you will have to tell me how you made it!

    Maria xxx

  4. AH those cross earings are lovely! I've never bought anything from ebay before but maybe now is the year to start because I see lovely items everywhere on lots of blogs! (: I may also have to try that salad recipe, sounds perfect for my lunchbox! xx

  5. I love the skirt I think it looks a bit retro but in the best way. you look lovely XX

  6. Aww you Valentines decorations are adorable! And I'm quite tempted to see The Woman in Black but I know I'll be terrified!

  7. I love your earrings and leopard print skirt, you look great :)
    I love rediscovering old clothes x

  8. I love the leopard print skirt! :) I think I'd be too scared to watch the woman in black, even the advert scares me lol!

    Caroline x

  9. Oooh I love the paper hearts :) and that ring is super sweet!!
    I hope to see you at the bloggers meetup on wednesday :) and now following.
    Would love to blogroll exchange as I love your blog :)

    Laura x

  10. Your heart shaped bunting is so cute, and I have the same Vivienne Westwood necklace!

    Louisejoyb xo | Bits&Bobs

  11. Brow kits are amazing, never thought I would ever use one but now i've found them - just miracle workers!

  12. I'm glad it's not just me who gets ridiculously scared at the cinema! That film sounds so scary. I'm always finding clothes I've forgotten about, and wonder why I haven't worn them in so long! Xxx

  13. Mmm that salad sounds so good, looking forward to seeing the recipe!
    I've been trying to tidy out my wardrobe and get some more use out of old clothes too. It's actually shocking how many things I have in my wardrobe that still have the tags on and have never been worn!

    Gillian x

  14. Love the cross earrings and leopard skirt! You are looking very slim in these pics! =) x

  15. That salad look yum! And great idea digging through your old clothes - sometimes you can find a gem :) xx


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