Oh the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful...

By Gem - 21:18:00

Not much to report this week, I've not had any time to shop for exciting things or go snooping around charity shops. 

I thought I would bring your attention to this-

There is going to be a UK and Europe fashion blogger meet, taking place in London on Saturday February 5th! There will b

  • Lunch and networking/mingling
  • The daytime event will either be shopping or sightseeing
  • A cocktail and canape party in the evening.
A lot of the bloggers attending are plus size fashion bloggers but everyone is welcome!
For more information check out the facebook page.

I got some new boots from Evans, nothing special but they are comfy and are much more suitable than pumps in this freezing weather. 

 Sookie wanted to have a picture too :)

I'm going to see Wicked again on Monday, no amount of snow that has been forecast will stop me from getting to London! I booked to see Nikki as Elphaba because she was so good last time.

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  1. Lee Mead is gorgeous! xx

  2. Yay sookie is in the picture and i hope the snow doesnt stop us going to see Wicked!!

  3. sounds like a cool event, i'll pop it in my diary :) x


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