As requested...

By Gem - 00:52:00

We can't find our main Christmas tree base anywhere but I have put the small tree and made a cheap/rubbish table decoration and this is what they look like-

A few people commented that it is rather tricky to buy for men so I came up with a few more gift ideas-

Gifts for Men/Dads

Jamie's 30-Minute Meals £11.99

Edinburgh Preserves Traditional British Condiments £10 John Lewis

Casio Retro Style Dial & Digital Metal Bracelet Watch £42.50

Vinyl Bookends £20.00 Urban Outfitters. I think you could make these yourself, I've seen online tutorials that show you how to make bowls with old records. I'm sure you could make a set for about a £1

Black Lockable Leather Journal £12.75 Paperchase


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