Brit Pack £100 ASOS gift card giveaway

By Gem - 10:42:00

Today I'm happy to be co hosting an-amazing 'bloggers give back' give-away hosted 
by myself Gemma and what we are affectionately calling ourselves...
The Brit Pack...

L-R Frills And SpillsWhat Peggy SaidKimi And MePolkadot Pink and Being Erica

10 Fabulous British Bloggers have all rounded up together to give one lucky winner a spending spree at ASOS with a £100 gift voucher. Its our way of starting the 2014 off with a bang, and also as a big THANK YOU to all of you who read and follow and comment on our blogs week after week.

The Brit Pack are some of Britain's finest bloggers. Every single one is worth getting to know! So in good old fashioned Blighty style, grab a cup of tea and take a moment to check out their links, find some new favourites, and enter away!


The competition will run for 10 days and is open internationally. Winner will be emailed an asos gift voucher with an e-code worth £100 (approx $160 at current exchange rate) and announced on the rafflecopter widget.

  a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. Love giveaways like this, perfect way to discover new blogs to read! Fingers crossed!

    J x

    1. glad you like it :) The other Brit Pack girls are all fab and I have some exciting plans for us in the future x

  2. Replies
    1. vie the rafflecopter entry form above.


Thank you for leaving a comment, feel free to ask me any questions here or on twitter- @Gemma_DS.