I Like You

By Gem - 12:37:00

I was really inspired by Bee's recent post all about her university friends and wanted to dedicate something to all the lovely people in my life who tolerate me. I did ask my non blog mates for some little quotes and anecdotes but they are lazy and just shouted in jokes at me and profanities, see what I have to put up with?!

First up is Emma, she's the one I'm always talking to on twitter about Dr Who and Jon Snow. The one who shares my not so secret love for the Britney album Blackout. The one who enables my staking of people from Dr Who and Harry Potter and the one who has to deal with all my bloke troubles and day to day moaning. Emma, you're a rock and cat loving saint! *Edit - Emma did provide a quote which just said 'you are a massive dis-concordant igneous intrusion' charming. (she studies Geology)

Next up is not just an ode to Al and Lauren but anyone I met at uni. I didn't really make many friends for life at halls or on my course but I made loads of friends when I worked at Topshop and by going to gigs in Cardiff. I miss dancing with you guys in Barfly to indie tunes from 2005.


I'm off to Torquay with these lovely ladies this weekend, my caravan club crew. We have our annual trip down south to act like a OAPs, play bingo and eat ice cream. I met Sarah in college and I'm so proud of what she has achieved. She's had a tough time and raised two beautiful children who are the only children I like. Katilea works with Sarah and has quickly become a good friend to me, definitely someone I can rely on.

Laura is probably my oldest friends that I'm still in contact with, I don't get to see her often enough but I always know she's there for me. I shared my awkward teenage years with Laura and we danced to Backstreet Boys -Larger Than Life in front of the whole school, without being forced to and I suppose she's the one know knows all my traits, good and bad.

I reeeeally miss my old evening and weekend team from work. I love working full time and at more social hours but I used to have fun with my old team. We still get to hang out after work and I see them for handover at the end of my shift but I wish they could all come and work in the day with me. A lot of staff at the library are PhD students and leave when they get a teaching job, always so sad to see someone go.


I met Emma, mentioned at the start and Harri next at college but there's a really big group of us from Crosskeys college that are all still friends. I went from a school in a small town to a big college at 16 and made loads of new friends and had the best time of my life. I suppose some of your school friends are only really your mates because you were forced together and live in the same area. I found Meg, Harri, Emma, Jack, Craig and Andrew at college and we are all like Friends but much more messed up and don't live in New York... I'm Monica.


My brother provided me with quotes and anecdotes but they are all far too embarrassing to post on here. I'm really lucky, the small age gap between us meant that we grew up together and were the right age to be mates. The two things that spring to mind when think about my brother are playing The Little Mermaid with him and making him put a red towel on his head so he could be Ariel (such a bossy older sister) and we also planned a really sneaky attack. The kids who lived in the house behind us used to throw grass snakes and mud at me when I was playing in the garden so we told them we had cake in our shed, lured them in and threw hula hoops at them and poked them with sticks until they said sorry.

I also need to give a huge shout out to all the blogging friends I've made in the past three years. About 1/4 of my weekends are spent travelling all over the UK to hang out with bloggers. Two special mentions go to Sarah and Claire, love you guys.


Harri actually took the time to think of some funny/nice things we have done and got back to me so she gets a big photo at the end and I should have drawn hearts all over it really.

Harri said:

'My first impressions of you were "What the hell is this girl saying?" Due to your fast welshy babble! But I love it so!
My favourite moment together is definitely Reading Festival, be-glittering half the crowd, hugging a lot of random strangers, giving said strangers names like 'Guernsey' and 'Essex', and hanging of the guide ropes of the tents in the arena like monkeys.'


Sometime you just need Morrissey to sum it all up nicely for you:
"You're not right in the head,
and nor am I, and this is why,
This is why I like you, I like you, I like you"

Just a reminder that you can follow this blog/me on lots of different social networks and all the links are below, you wouldn't want to miss out on photos of my dog and me talking about boys in band would you?...

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  1. Very cute and lovely post gem xxx

  2. Sounds like you've got a really lovely bunch of friends surrounding you! I'd definitely also be Monica too if my life was Friends ha!

    Louise x
    The Little Things

  3. Love you loads Gem, SO glad I met you through blogging! <3 <3

    Maria xxx

    1. Hope we get a chance to hang out soon Maria :) xx

  4. I suppose a lot of your school friends are only really your mates because you were forced together and live in the same area - charming!

    1. It's not the case for everyone but I've not spoken to some of my school mates for years (we are very different people) but I'm in touch with most of my college friends. Can't really give a more specific reply to an anonymous comment.

  5. This is such a sweet post, it sounds like you have a lot of amazing people in your life.


  6. Yeahhhhh you! This post made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, definitely inspires me to write about my gang too! :D <3 Claire @ Jazzpad


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