Christmas Gifts Part 1 - Friend

By Gem - 12:48:00

There are only 42 days until Christmas, aaaargh!!! The Christmas lights were switched on in Cardiff this week and the Winter Wonderland ice skating has set up home in the city centre and I hadn't really put much thought into Christmas until I saw all the glistening lights. My mum has a saver card in the supermarket and gets this years cards in the January sales but I'm a lot less organised and leave everything until the last minute. I've made an uncharacteristically early start by looking at presents way before Christmas eve as I've got a few Secret Santa's and friends to buy for this year. Here are some of the lovely things I found on my search for the perfect Christmas presents-

I always find buying for male friends so difficult, I'm sure they don't really need another mug or scarf so here are some fun gift ideas.

Do you know any great independent retails were you can get great gifts? I love a bit of 3 for 2 in Boots for cosmetics but I do like to give more unique gifts to my loved ones.
Is November far too early for you to be thinking about Christmas or did you buy this years presents in July?

Need to find a gift for someone but no idea what to get them? give me a few details about the person you are buying for and I can give you some suggestions (men are always the trickiest)

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  1. Heyy :) I really enjoyed this post (and I want those earrings!)
    Im really good at presents for my family and friends that are girls, but boys are so much harder!
    I must admitt that I have already bought some presents this year, but usually I leave it so last minute!
    I think now is the perfect time to start thinking about christmas xx

  2. I usually find it super difficult to buy for my dad but this year im stuck on getting things for my mum! i feel like im so behind too, this year is just going far too quickly.

    Love the ring!

  3. Love that paperchase clock! I've normally never really thought about christmas till November, but even this year I don't think I can really think about it till after we get married at the start of December!

  4. These are such fab ideas, thank you for some much needed Christmas inspiration!

    Maria xxx

  5. The camera clock is great! I really need to start Christmas shopping!

  6. I really love that SLR camera clock, so so cute! I've bought my boyfriend's presents but I'm stuck on everyone else's... mainly because I'm waiting for the money fairy to turn up!!

  7. I love that bag soo much. :] I think my group of close friends are going to o for a meal together and only exchange tiny token gifts x

  8. Great picks. I'm so proud of myself this year, I've bought so many presents already.....I too find the men difficult to buy for so they are the one's I have left xxx

  9. I'm not a hat person, but that one is cute.
    Also Bulter and Wilson stuff in general is to die for... I'd be happy with anything from that brand! :)

    Some nice ideas here x

  10. lovely pics, the camera clock is so cute! xx

  11. Love this post, I always find present buying so difficult as I feel the same about the usual boots 3 for 2 - I'd love to receive them but I think giving them feels like a bit of a cop out


  12. Lovely picks. I haven't done any shopping, and people have been asking me what I want but I haven't a clue!

  13. Oh bloody hell Gem please keep these male gift ideas coming. Got a few blokes who would LOVE that camera clock so I'm relying on you to help me out for more ideas alright?! ;) ♥ Claire @ Jazzpad

  14. Today, most relationships are not marriage, and if they do half of them end in divorce. I was lucky to find love in a place without hope.

  15. Oh, some really cute ideas, love the tote bag! Thanks!

  16. The Christmas lights looked so pretty in Cardiff :) much better than what we have in Newbury!

    Great picks :) I love the ring - ever so pretty!

    Need plenty of ideas for gifts for the other half, he's a nightmare to buy for SO fussy! lol


  17. You have a lovely range of different gift ideas to get friends here!
    I find gift finders are always helpful to get ideas for friends and family. This is a really nice Christmas gift finder with very unique ideas:
    Christmas Gift Finder


Thank you for leaving a comment, feel free to ask me any questions here or on twitter- @Gemma_DS.