Hereford, Hay on Wye and Pay day!

By Gem - 12:30:00

Hey guys, it's been another busy week for me and I didn't feel the benefit of having a long weekend at all!

I did get to go to my favourite place on Wednesday- Hay-on-Wye. I spend all my day working with books and then spend my days off in bookshops! Hay on Wye is a tiny town on the Welsh/English border and has a great literary festival there every year which I went to and Hay-on-Wye has thirty bookshops, most selling second-hand books. I also popped to Hereford on the way to Hay and had an amazing cream tea although I'm not too sure it was a good choice for my waistline.
Here are some of my photos from my lovely day out-

Have you been away this bank holiday weekend?

After 2 weeks of being skint I finally get paid tomorrow, hurrah! I've spent all of my money on buying things for when I move house and I've been eating beans on toast and rice pudding in work everyday to save money, gross.
 I've already seen what I want to spend my money on-

I love these dresses from Dorothy Perkins and they are £25, bargain!

I've already ordered the stripey one and used a 10% discount code that you get if you like the DP facebook page (DPFB10) and there was free delivery.

What are you eyeing up at the moment? are you enjoying the bank holiday weekend?

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  1. that stripy dress is gorgeous, I want it to hehe. Love the look of this book festival, I love reading second hand books, a. it's cheaper and 2. it's fascinating to think where the book has been before (a bit like vintage clothing). This weekend I was on the look out for an old copy of much ado about nothing and I'm forever looking for an original penguin classic of the beach. Anyway, looks like you had a lovely day out, my uncle lives in Hereford but I've never been!

    Bow Dream Nation xx

  2. Looks like you had a great time. I love the photos. There's something about being in a traditional book shop - I could lose hours in one! x

  3. Lovely photos. I've never been to Hay or Hereford. My friend lives in Hereford so I have the perfect excuse to go and should use it one day!

    Those dresses are all gorgeous! I want the flowery one xx

  4. ah what gorgeous photos :)
    i was just thinking "oh the striped one is my fave!" and then i read on and seen you had bought it yay! :D good taste sister ;)

    great blog, hope youll have a look at mine :)

  5. i saw the striped dp dress online cant believe its such a bargain its so pretty! :) x

  6. Glad you had a nice weekend, perusing books is always fun!
    I have done nothing this week apart from reading!
    The dresses are all gorgeous, but I think the flowery one is especially so! xx

  7. wow the stripy dress is amazing!
    i might get that soon ;)
    Rosie xo

  8. All of this looks fantastic. I was in York last year and I got to have a cream tea as well. My research is on York and Chester and their medieval cycle drama. I always love seeing the little carved devil Titivilus on top of old English book shops. Titivilus was the devil of words and people in early print culture would blame him for errors in the type. Then because he was such a pervasive figure, he became the symbol of the trade. Look for him next time your at a really old bookshop. Probably too much information, but I love this stuff, lol. That stripe-y dress is fantastic! I want one now!

  9. Sounds like a great way to spend a day out. I've been lucky enough to go to a vintage fair over this bank holiday, shame about the weather but a brilliant experience and a great band playing.

    I love those dresses from Dorothy Perkins especially the floral and the spotty one.


  10. Considering it is so close to me I am surprised that I have never been to Hay-on-Wye! Those dresses are lovely, the print is fab! :)

    Maria xxx

  11. I love the spotty dress! I've just been paid, but I'm trying to save :( I have to ay I'm jealous of your cream tea as they are my most favourite thing in the world! Ha!

  12. Really nice photos! I looooove bookshops, I shouldn't ever go to one, because I can rarely go out without buying something. :D

    I think the third dress is really pretty, I would consider buying it too, if I hadn't just ordered a dress from :)

  13. Sounds like a lovely trip - afternoon tea is the best :) Sally x

  14. Lovely dresses. I would love to get there - one day!

  15. Looks like such a lovely day out! Very jealous of that scone, I've been craving them loads recently but you can't get them in Austria :( Might just have to make some I think!

    Thos dresses are all adorable, and so reasonably priced! Dorothy perkins has kind of fallen off my "fashion radar" recently, but now I think I'll go and have a nose on the website!


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