Red Nose Day

By Gem - 09:12:00

It's Red Nose Day in the UK on Friday and I have to wear red to work, it's not a colour I usually wear and I thought a few other people might be in the same predicament as me so I did a little polyvore collage of some great red items to give you some inspiration. The H&M vest is only £3.99 it's a cheap way to wear as bit of red on Friday. If you don't have anything red or any funds to get a snazzy red outfit then nail polish and makeup are a cheap way to bring a little red into your outfit.
Red Nose Day

I really wanted one of the Vivienne Westwood Red Nose Day tshirts but they have sold out everywhere, such a shame!
This is what I will be wearing on Friday-

Will you be doing anything fun in work or school to raise money for Red Nose Day? Hopefully we will be donating all fines payed in the library on Friday but it has to be passed by finance first....

I have recieved quite a few of the pen pal emails now and I'm starting to put all the information on a spread sheet and pair people up. It's taking a little longer than I hoped but hopefully you will be paired up by the end of the week :)

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  1. lovely red dress, that red dotty shirt dress in the picture is also lovely!

  2. aw you look so lovely in that red dress. it's very pretty! my work are dressing up on friday, kinda glad i'm off this week since i can't really be doing with looking ridiculous at 8am in the morning haha. think i'll wear a nice red dress instead :) xo

  3. i think that gorgeous red dress suits you a treat! you look ever so lovely, and your hair and make up is amazing - i'm extremely jealous! i also cannot wait to begin the pen pal exchange! it's going to be so much fun (: xx

  4. Such a good idea - and red really suits you Gem! Sally x

  5. That red dress is so lovely on you, and you can't beat a bit of red nail polish xxx

  6. That red dress looks lovely on you.
    We usually have to wear Welsh Rugby shirts and jeans as its always around the last six nations game. The first year of doing this was good, now its boring! I've asked if we can wear PJs! Not looking likely though! x

  7. I love that red dress! I've to wear red (either that or dress up - no thanks!) on Friday and I don't own *anything* red I don't think! Might have to treat myself to something new - any excuse! ;) We also got asked if we wanted to stay after 10pm and take calls for donations for a few hours but I had to decline since I'm working early on Saturday morning and feel I'd go crazy with such a short space between working!


  8. That dress is lovely it really suits you :) X

  9. That dress is so nice :)
    I wouldn't normally wear red either!

  10. i love wearing red :) i think it's such a bold colour. it really suits you :) such a shame about the red nose day t-shirts, i bought mine the first day they came out and absolutely adore it! x

  11. Oh man, I've been obsessed with the brown version of the Topshop dress, didn't even know there was a red one, I love that one even more!

    Red looks good on you! xx

  12. Oh you look lovely in the red dress, the colour is great on you. The little scarf looks so pretty too. I do like the skirt in your collage!

    Thank you so much for arranging the pen pal exchange, I can only imagine how time consuming it is.


  13. I work in a tiny little office and we aren't having any meetings or anything on Friday, so no dressing up for me. I'll pop over to the union at lunch time though for a bun, there's always a bake sale on.

  14. I wear red nearly everyday in work so no-one will notice the difference if I wear red for red nose day haha. In fact people comment more if I DON'T wear red! Your outfit looks really pretty though :)

  15. Love your planned look & your hair is fab :)
    Have you checked out my post for #WearItRed on Friday?

  16. All of the items you picked out are wonderful. I lvoe te polka dotted dress. :)

    <3Chelsea Elizabeth

  17. brill post - and i love your hair! xx

  18. Is the dress you're wearing from ASOS? It looks like the black one I have, so in love!


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