Outfit post - Polka Dot blouse

By Gem - 21:32:00

This is me trying to make a bit more of an effort for work. I'm attending a few more meetings now and doing a little less shelving so there's no need to be quite as practical with my clothing choices. I try to look a little smarter and more authoritative to distinguish myself from the students in the library as the PhD students are the same ages as me.  

I've had the black dress in my wardrobe for about three years now and it's a basic item I always go back to. The blouse was a recent purchase in new Look and I've already worn it a handful of times. Definitely a new favourite of mine and a bargain at under £20. 

a picture of a maroon polka dot blouse

Blouse: New Look
Watch: eBay
Dress: H&M
Brooch: Accessorize
Shoes: Patent bow shoes by Shellys

a picture of a map dial watch


a picture of black patent shoes

I've had about 4/5 inches chopped off my hair (not very noticeable) so it's looking far more healthy at the moment. I'm trying to grow it and need to make sure I get regular trims so I don't need such a drastic cut next time to get rid of dead ends :( My lipstick is one of those Topshop marker pens, I bought it about two years ago and it's been lying in my make up tub all that time, totally forgotten. Oops. 


On the weekend I hosted a dinner party for the first time and got to try out the Foodelity service which I highly recommend. Take a look at my other blog Where Are My Knees? for more details, been posting over there a lot recently. Here is a snaps of one of the tasty dishes I rustled up:

roast poussin

P.S. There are only a few hours left to enter my £100 ASOS gift card giveaway

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  1. Your hair looks so lovely here, think I'm definitely in need of a trim too! Love the blouse too, the polka dots look great underneath a plain dress.
    Gillian · elevatormusik.com x

  2. Aw, Gem you're looking lovely! That polka dot blouse is a beaut and will look cute all year round. Love the new hair, very stylish and healthy x

  3. I'm in love with your shoes, the bows are so cute! Love the blouse too, you definitely look very professional! xx

    1. Thanks Rachel, the shoes are comfy but slippery in the rain so I go sliding all over the place xx

  4. I just LOVE this outfit on you, so pretty and chic! Perfect office wear. I've been trying to step it up a bit too, have just bought some new shoes and blouses to assist me!

    Thanks for your comment on my day out in Abergavenny post - if you're ever planning a trip there do drop me a line and I'll give you a list of things worth seeing, cake worth eating and shops worth buying from! P x

    1. Will do, thanks :) Never been before despite living so close xx

  5. I really like this outfit on you, It looks smart, but stull cute and quirky. A blank dress like that is such a staple, isn't it? I have the same watch, but with a brown strap. It was such a bargain, but the load ticking sometimes drives me a little crazy! x

  6. You look amazing! And I fell in love with your watch so I just ordered it for myself! I've always had a thing for maps and just couldn't say no. Now I only need to make it through the really long shipping time.

  7. Your outfit is gorgeous and that watch-wow! X

  8. You look amazing! I think the blouse really makes the outfit stand out. It's gorgeous :) xx

    Beauty Hot Squad - Kate's Product of the Week - Soap & Glory's Archery Eyebrow Pencil

  9. i love polka dots on most things (usually pant my nails in the sumwhat childish style in summer too lol) love the top x

  10. LOVE this outfit! Everything about it! And your make up looks lovely too! x

  11. You look totally beaut Gem, I agree with above - everything in this ootd is perfect! And I don't blame you for getting involved in more meetings and stuff, anything to get away from dirty first years ;) <3 Claire @ Jazzpad

  12. Lovely outfit and oh my gosh, I want your watch! Hehe.

    Louise x

    Confessions of a Secret Shopper | An Undomestic Goddess

  13. This is one of my favourite outfits of yours EVER, you look beautiful!

    Maria xxx

    1. Aaaw thanks Maria :) I'm going to buy lots of maroon now xxx

  14. You look beautiful Gemma, so sophisticated! Those shoes are lovely.
    I love your hair like this. xx

    Leanne - A Slice of My Life

  15. this look is super cute on you, and i am loving those shoes!


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