♥ My 2013 - Part 2 ♥

By Gem - 16:55:00

I had great fun compiling Part 1 a few days ago and even more fun compiling Part 2. I'm amazed at how much I've crammed in since starting a full time job in January this year. Even though I'm a little exhausted at times I think all my train journeys and hours on the road are worth it. I've had such a fantastic time this year and I've already booked a few trips for 2014 so it's shaping up to be another good year.


In July I headed up to Warwick to stay at Sarah's lovely home with a few of my best blogging pals and visited the very pretty Warwick Castle and had a picnic at the Proms. I would love some of my blogging friends to come to Cardiff this year, would love to show them around my town and have a girly sleepover in a hotel together. Blogger meet-ups always involve a fair amount or travel for me and most of my blogging pals are based in the Midlands or London so I'm hoping to plan plenty of Cardiff events. I also did a bit of a makeover on my shed and won a competition in the process, can't wait to spend the evening in there this summer.


My birthday month is always a little manic and I managed to fit in a trip to Blackpool to see Alice and Danielle. We headed to the sea front to take in the sights and enjoy some tradition seaside fun and had a sleepover with lots of chat and snacks. I went to the Doctor Who Experience for the first time and loved seeing lots of costumes and props from my favourite show. Finally, I attended the wonderful leaving party for my friend Oonagh who moved to Amsterdam to study. It was a night filled with good food, mead and the best company.


September was another busy month as I headed to Bestival for the second time  and saw Elton John, Franz Ferdinand and many more play that weekend. I spent the day exploring Brecon and the waterfalls with my boyfriend Martyn and saw my favourite band the Manic Street Preachers play in Newport. 


October saw me visit a few cities in the UK. I went to Birmingham to see Suede with Claire which I thoroughly enjoyed as they are one of my favourite bands. I went to the AX Paris party in London and a trip to the Wallace Collection. I also stayed a little closer to home and took some time off to look after Sookie when my mum was on holiday and took her for lots of walks in the surrounding countryside.


I spent a lot of November with my boyfriend and we headed to Dorset on our first trip away together. We loved staying at the Stone Barn so much we have booked a holiday there in March but for seven nights instead of two. We explored a lot of the Jurassic coast, enjoyed lots of my home cooking and relaxed at the barn. Very idyllic. I also spent a Sunday at Oxjam in Cardiff and saw my boyfriends band play.


I spent December with blogging friends at the Bath meet up, the Clothes Show and Christmas meals with all friends from home. The festive period was spent with my family and Martyn took me on a trip to the Brecon Mountain Railway. New Years Eve was spent with new friends, I've been lucky to meet some lovely people through my boyfriend and I loved sharing New Years Eve with them.

I would have to say the highlights of my year were my trip to Norbury, a long weekend in Amsterdam and meeting Martyn (I know, so gross and soppy). I hope you all had a lovely 2013 but I hope 2014 is even better!

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  1. You look like you have a ton of fun! It really inspires me to travel and get out more. As always, love reading your posts.

  2. Thanks Erin :) I do like to get out as much as I can. I can highly recommend a trip on a steam train as a fun way to spend and afternoon.

  3. Awww that snap of you and Martyn is just lovely! <3 Claire @ Jazzpad

  4. I am always so impressed by your travelling, I definitely need to visit Cardiff!

    Maria xxx


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