Christmas Party Dress Shopping - Little Mistress at Littlewoods

By Gem - 10:00:00

Scrolling through the new Little Mistress collection at Littlewoods has got me really excited about the festive period. I can't wait to dress up and sip on some bubbly over the coming months. If you haven't heard of Little Mistress before they are an online retailer who make top of the range women's clothing inspired by the latest trends which are all very feminine and glamorous

I've chosen some of my favourite dresses from their latest range which would all be prefect for winter weddings, Christmas parties and nights out:

  little mistress christmas party dresses

1 - 2 - 3 - 4

Dress number two is definitely a contender for my Christmas day dress. I'm going to be doing Christmas dinner twice this year, once with my family and once a few days later with my boyfriend so I'm guessing I can recycle this dress for both occasions. The skater style skirt also means I can have plenty of pigs in blankets and not worry about my dress being too tight ;)

Dress number four with the gold floral detail is at the top of my list to add to my party wardrobe. This dress is fitted at the waist with a full skirt which is always my preferred style, very flattering. I would love to pair this with some killer heels and a cute clutch.

I'm organising the Christmas party at work this year so I might pick somewhere a little sophisticated so I can wear a pretty dress like one of these. 

*This post is a PR collaboration

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  1. These dresses are gorgeous! Dress 2 is my favourite :) It may be going on my list to Santa so I can maybe wear it for new years :)

    J x

  2. These dresses are gorgeous, skater dresses are the way to go with all that Xmas food! ;)

    Maria xxx

  3. I really like dress 2 and 4. Already making me excited for christmassy stuff xx


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