Guest Post - Rhiannon's Sale Shopping Guide

By Gem - 19:00:00

I am in currently in London watching Britney Spears (aaaargh so excited) so I have a fab guest post for you all from the lovely Rhiannon, enjoy....
Helloooo! My name is Rhiannon, I run a blog called Vintage Extraordinaire. I love all things floral, old and 90% of topshop’s stock (you have to admit that some things they have are just WEIRD).

These are my best tips for shopping in the sales. Earlier this week, when I received an email about the ASOS and the Topshop sales, I let out a little squee of approval. My flatmate barged into my room - “HAVE YOU HEARD?! It is saaaaale season!” and we did a little celebratory dance. I know this sounds pretty sad and materialistic, but we go to a fashion uni, we have very little else to live for.
I have to admit, I’m pretty good at sale shopping. I found my prom dress in the Topshop Sale for £30 (down from £75), I’ve bought countless pairs of jeans, dresses and shoes. I love it. How do you manage this, I hear you cry? All you need is a lot of time, a decent sale, patience and hardly any social life! Haha, but seriously though, I cannot stress the importance of patience. I don’t know how many times I’ve seen people flicking through the rails only to give up because it’s too annoying. Because to be fair it is annoying, being shoved and pushed and elbowed and watching someone grab something that you had your eye on. It’s awful actually, isn’t it?

Anyway, here are my top tips for scouring the sales!
  • Go early! This is quite obvious, really. There’ll be way less people and you’ll have more peace and quiet to go through the rails. 
  • Eat! Not that I need an excuse to eat, of course. But you really do need energy if you’re going to be constantly on your feet and browsing. 
  • Be well equipped. I always take a shoulder bag with me when I’m sale shopping, because I need both arms free to rummage.
  • Look everywhere. There are usually ‘tall’, or ‘petite’ concessions in the store - have a look in their section too! They’re always more empty and they might have some hidden gems. In the past I’ve found cardis and tops in the tall section that would work even if you’re petite like me. Also, some stores arrange their sale stock via size - do NOT just look in your size section! people often pick things up and change their minds and plonk them down again in a random place (I do, allll the time!)
  • Seriously, everywhere! In the past I’ve found some really gorgeous blouses in the maternity section of sales. I know! They’re also usually in the same styles as the non-pregnancy range so people will be none the wiser. Plus, you can always cut out the tags if you’re that embarrassed.
  • Try everything on. I know, I know, the queues during the sales are always really hellish and long, but it will seriously save you time in the long-run by not having to return badly-thought out items.
  • Don’t be silly! I don’t know how many times I’ve looked through my wardrobe only to find some disasters hanging there with tags still on, stickered with ‘half price’ and ‘reduced!’ tags. Don’t buy something just because it's cheap! Look for classics (jeans, plain tees, classicly cut dresses) rather than ‘trendy’ things (harem pants, logo tees, weird prints...)
Happy Shopping, lovelies!

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  1. Super tips - I'm very guilty of the last one, regularly buy actual rubbish just because it's cheap!x

  2. Great tips! Im awful at the last one, always buy things just because theyre cheaper!

  3. Some great tips! I tend to do the last one too, sort of, except it tends to be really weird stuff that everyone else hasn't wanted (hence it's in the sale) and I think it's amaaaazing haha


  4. Thanks for the fab post Rhiannon. I always end up with something that doesn't quite fit or that I don't need in the sales!


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