Fashionable Cardiff

By Gem - 20:45:00

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I was on a rare shopping trip this week (I buy most of my clothes online) and I went to visit my fave book shop the Oxfam bookshop in Cardiff on St Mary's Street. On the way I saw that a new Oxfam Boutique had opened.
I was amazed to find a lovely Burberry trench coat for just £60, great brogues and a great selection of bags.

The boutique stocks clothes and accessories in the following 5 categories:

• Loved for Longer: Your normal mix of charity shop clothes

• Fair Trade Fashion: The ranges include Labels include People Tree, Green Knickers, Casa Copenhagen and Wright and Teague for Oxfam.

• Reinvented: pieces donated to Oxfam and reworked by young designers. Watch out for some amazing one-offs from designers at Newport school of Fashion. This section was really great and what I think sets it apart from all the other charity shops in Cardiff.

• Made with Love: accessories made by volunteers at the shops fortnightly stitch and bitch group.

• Good Fashion Sense: clothes and accessories designed to make a difference - organic, recycled, made from alternative fibres or working toward Fair Trade accreditation.

What could help ease the guilt of spending all your money on clothes? Knowing that every item you buy will raise money to fight poverty around the world!

I highly recommend popping in as you might find a designer piece at a fraction of the original price.

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  1. That dress in the window is fab, i die for that dress xoxo


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