Things that make me happy

By Gem - 13:01:00

1. Longer days -  More hours of daylight and sunshine means I can get out on my bike after work.

2. Martyn - I can't wait for our Austria road-trip and weekend in York. I love sharing experiences with him. 

3. Wales - I love living and working here, to me there isn't a more beautiful place in the world.

4. Blogger friends - My blogger girl gang rocks, I love spending time with like minded ladies

5. My record collection - Whenever I'm low I just pop a record on and 60s girl bands perk me up. 

6. Baking - I love seeing friends and colleagues faces when I share my latest cake triumph. And eating it.

7. GoT & Mad Men - I'm loving having new episodes of my favourite shows to look forward to.

8. Trains - I do love a good train related day out, trains helped shape modern Britain don't you know?

9. Sookie - I don't see her as much as I should now that I've moved out but she will always be my baby.

10. A good book - I'm currently reading The Miniaturist by Jessie Burton.

I’d love it if you link up your own posts about things that make you happy in the comments, or just write out your own 10 happy things below. Let’s all be happy!

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  1. I'm LOVING having longer days! There's nothing better than sitting in a pub garden in the sunshine after work! :)

  2. I love the longer days too, especially when its nice and warm x

  3. Blogger friends really are the best kind of friends!

    Story Of A Girl

  4. There are some great blogging ladies out there. And of course I love Wales too!

  5. interesting list i need to get back into my reading i downloaded loads of new books and never got round to reading them yet

  6. My dog deffo makes me happy, as do longer days and 60's girl groups. In fact I agree with virtually all of your list x

  7. Great list of what makes you happy. My list would be very similar to yours. I am loving the longer days and baking is definitely one of my favourite activities! x

  8. Am also loving the longer days, love waking up when the sun is shining in the mornings.

    I have only been to Wales once this year and absolutely loved it there.

    X X

  9. Just found your blog, I love the design, the lilac colour is adorable. I will definitely write a post about 10 things that I love and link it here, I think it's a great idea to put into perspective what really brings joy to my life when there's so much going on everyday that doesn't really allow me to think that way.

    1. Thanks for stopping by :) I agree, it's nice to take some time out and think about things that you love and make you feel good.


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