It's just another manic Monday (actually it's Tuesday...)

By Gem - 21:57:00

I have had a crazy few days which have included organising an event, applying for jobs, having an amazing impromptu night out (losing a whole night of memory due to lovely Norwegian vodka) and working until 7.30 most days. I'm so glad this week is a bit less crazy and I've had some time to do some shopping and make a start on the huge pile of books I need to read.

This is what I wore to work today-

Top - Peacocks
Skirt - Dorothy Perkins
Bracelet- Tia
Shoes - Dorothy Perkins
Bag - eBay

My big pile of books-

I'm trying to read more books written by Welsh authors at the moment, Submarine is amazing and I would really recommend it.What have you been reading recently?
Also is anyone watching Great British Bake Off? How cute is Rob? He can come and bake me a cake anytime he wants... Heat magazine seem to be thinking the same things as me too. I really like Joanne from Essex and I hope she is the winner. Jo has a blog here where she posts recipes of things that she has made on the show if you wanted to take a look.

Looking forward to a weekend without work and getting back on track. I've made quite a few lists of things I need to do before term starts again at the University.

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  1. Not often we see you not wearing a dress but I love this top on you.
    I know just how you feel some weeks I could do with way more hours in a day, makes you appreciate the quiet weeks though xxx

  2. i've been reading eragon by christopher paolini, and now im on to eldest (then going on to brisingr!)
    if you haven't read those, i would recommend them because they are amazing!
    love your top especially, the colour is awesome!
    Rosie xo

  3. I really like your shoes! I also have a stack of books I'm working my way through and I think I might have to add Submarine to the list. xx

  4. I love this outfit, and you can really tell that you've lost weight!
    I've loving TGBB, Rob's is very cute! xx
    Sirens and Bells

  5. Your top is lovely! Rob is a cutie but he got booted off tonight booo :(

  6. @Funny Little Frog- You're right! skirts and top combo is a pretty new thing for me. I'm still a dress girl at heart :)
    @Rosie- I've seen those Eragon books, are they kids ones with dragons on the cover? I see hundreds of books everyday so I may have got that mixed up...
    @Katy- aw, thanks.
    @Sarah- I'm gutted!! he had such pretty eyes haha

  7. Lovely top, I really want to read Grace Dent's 'how to leave twitter!' x

  8. You're so beautiful, Gem. You really are! Gotta love a few too many vodkas ;)

  9. I love reading, I wish I did more of it. The last few things I read were all over the place, I will have to check out Submarine.

    I love your shoes and the top with the lace, super cute.

    Haha I have never forgot a whole night after vodka, granted I've forgot portions of what happened but never an entire night - which can be a blessing and a curse depending on the events that occurred.

  10. I have missed a few of the Bake Offs, really need to sit down in front of the TV and catch up on all the ones I've missed - I've spied Rob in Heat magazine too!
    I loved Submarine, I didn't enjoy the film as much as I did the book. I am reading The Post Office Girl by Stefan Zweig which is really good so far.

  11. b'awww your little doggy just sitting there!! ADORABLE. you look amazingggg. jel of your nights out too! im so boring these days xx

  12. I got the impression that Rob is gay. He has cute eyes though! I like Holly x

  13. Love this outfit on you, perfect with those gorgeous shoes! I haven't been reading much apart from Clive Cussler books...I blame my little brother!

    Maria xxx

  14. I must read how to leave twitter, I've loved Grace Dent ever since she made appearances on big brother's big mouth many moons ago. let us know your thoughts?

    Ah last minute nights out are always the best, there's nothing worse than planning a big night, spending ages getting ready, then finding it average


  15. Aww, you look super stylish for work lovely one! I am very jealous that you get to wear such nice clothes to work, mine are all black and not very exciting :(

  16. Hello :) I have nominated you for a blog award, check out my blog for more details!

  17. Lovely top!
    I want to read that Grace Dent book, it's on my list! I loved the film of Submarine.
    I love Bake Off too! Rob is so gorgeous. I think I want Janet to win. I love her crazy eyes! x

  18. Can't believe I haven't been watching the great british bake off, I need to 4od that one quickly or is it on bbc?! Love the stripy top and I think it's great you're reading more welsh authors. It's so important to support our local people

    Bow Dream Nation xx

  19. Agreed with all the other comments, those shoes are lovely! :)
    I think Rob was ok in the bake-off, but I think I was just as annoyed as Paul Hollywood with his total lack of timing. Obviously a nice guy, but he just needed to be more organised.


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