#coffeewithcurrys in Cardiff

By Gem - 12:04:00

I attended the #coffeewithcurrys event a few weeks before Christmas so this post is a tad late but better late than never right? The event was organised by Joe Blogs and held in the rather lovely Waterloo tea rooms. The event was called #coffeewithcurrys and I spent the day with some of my blogging friends and lots of people I've never met before learning all about Nespresso products. I'm not a big coffee lover, I'm a tea girl through and through but I went in with an open mind and drank more coffee in one day than I had done for the whole of 2014.

The event was split into 4 workshops; coffee cupping, coffee cocktails, a machine workshop and latte art. In the cupping workshop we were taught how to taste coffee and were tried lots of the Nespresso pods. I sucked at this and couldn't pick out any different flavours at all. In the coffee cocktail workshop we were shown how to make some coffee cocktails. In the machine workshop we were shown how the Nespresso machines work and told how the coffee is freshly ground and sourced and that the pods are recyclable. Nespresso come and collect the pods for you which is pretty handy.

The coffee cocktail session with James was definitely the highlight of the day for me. This session was more hands on and I got to try it out for myself. I made a mint chocolate coffee cocktail (wish I was sipping on some right now) but if you want to learn how to make some coffee cocktails of tour own check out the video of James from the event which has recipes and some tips. 

Toblerone cocktail, mmmm.

The latte are was also another fun and hands on part of the day but I struggled with this. I think the most I can manage is a Costa coffee style cocoa dusting on the top of my coffee. I think you can easily tell which one of the three below was made by the professional. 

When I thought I couldn't take anymore coffee the guys at Waterloo Tea brought out some coffee came, yum!

I had a lovely day at the #coffeewithcurrys event. I went home with a lot more coffee knowledge and some minor coffee shakes. The video below explains the day much better than I have so take a look.

Huge thanks to Currys and the team at Joe Blogs for
hosting such a lovely and fun filled event.

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  1. I'm a tea girl too, but I had a sip of a friend's coffee the other day and actually liked it! Coffee cocktails are fab though, I love an espresso martini.

  2. OOh that toblerone cocktail is right up my street, it sounds lovely x

  3. I am a fan of tea and coffee and the coffees look amazing :)
    looks like a great event!!

    Melissa || www.vintagemelissa.co.uk

  4. I love Nespresso, this sounds awesome!

    Maria xxx

  5. I absolutely love coffee! A coffee event it my idea of heaven! Joe Blogs are just amazing for events <3 xx

  6. What a fun event I am a coffee addict and would have loved it! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Sounds like such a fab event and it's so cool that they had workshops as well :) The cake looks so yummy :) x
    | Life as a Petite || Fashion, Crafts & Lifestyle Blog |

  8. Looks like you had a great time, the cake looks yummy!


  9. Looks like you had a fabulous time and coffee is always welcome , great event


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