The Things I'm Grateful For

By Gem - 13:20:00

I've let myself slide into a bout of self-pity recently. I've been thinking about how I'm not happy with the way I look, I've been comparing myself and my surroundings with other people and what they have. I'm not a very optimistic person and sometimes these thoughts can get the better of me. I'm trying to learn to be happy with my lot as I know deep down that I'm terribly lucky person. Despite all my moaning and self critical thoughts I have a lot to be happy about and here's a little list of the things I'm most grateful for:

1. My job

I have a full time, permanent job and in this climate that's something to be really grateful for. I get to work in a library, for a Russell Group University and I get to do what I love. Yes, some days I want to go on an adventure and not go to work. Sometimes it can be a little dull and other days when the students have deadlines I don't have a minute to myself. I'm very grateful to have a job and one that I I don't dread going to.

2. Martyn

He puts up with a lot from me. I met Martyn about 10 months ago and just kind of fell into living with him recently even though we haved't been together for long. The circumstances were right and I'm glad I moved in so we can share more things together. He's supportive and likes me for who I am and we don't feel like we need to impress each other. We act like a retired couple and go on steam trains, go to the seaside and stay in on weekends and cook. Party lifestyle Gemma has gone (except for when I go to Snobs with Claire) and I can't say I miss it. (Martyn, if you're reading this, I really appreciate the dumbbells and the flowers)

3. My Friends

These guys are really awesome. I don't get to see all of them enough and some of my friends have moved away and are getting on with their adult life now but I value any time I get to spend with them. This photo was taken at Bestival last year with my friends Harri and Emma who I met in college when I was 16. They make me smile, we go on adventures and gossip over some tea and cake. I couldn't ask for a better bunch of pals.

3. My travels at home and abroad

I'm eternally grateful for all the wonderful places I've been able to visit. I've had a job since I was about 15 so have always been lucky enough to have spare cash to travel to some amazing places. I've been to New Zealand, Amsterdam and Paris in the past few years and I've already been to Grenoble and Dorset so far this year. I'm trying to save for a house now so I will be making the most of the UK and having a few 'staycations' as money is a bit tight.

4. My Sookie-sooks

Even though I'm not at home with Sookie anymore I will always be grateful for her unconditional love. Aren't dogs the best? She's always there when I get home and will cuddle me when I'm feeling low. She's a sassy little madame sometimes and be very naughty but I wouldn't have her any other way.

This post was inspired by the Made in Hunters 52 lists project. I'm not taking part in the whole thing as I'm months too late but hope to post a few more here and take some time out to reflect using lists.

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  1. Aw this made me smile.. I was having a bit of a fed up day myself but taking a moment to reflect on what you have really does cheer you up.. thank you!

  2. Lovely post :) always important to remember what we are grateful for xx

  3. Aw, a smile post for a Sunday! Great selection of things to be grateful for - I hear you about the job one in particular, of course we all have days where we'd rather stay in bed, but being employed is such an important thing in this current climate.

    P x

    1. Exactly, CU are great employers too. I've got very little to complain about. Glad I made you smile x

  4. What a lovely post, like you I can also feel a bit down when comparing myself to others, but it's good to remind ourselves to be grateful for what we have x

  5. Ah this is such a lovely post Gem!

  6. Great post, love your dog! So cute, thanks very much for sharing!

  7. I can really relate to this.. I've got so much to be grateful for but I always manage to let my days be ruined by stupid little things and not focusing on the positives. I've been trying to use my blog to focus on the good things in life and it's really helped my mindset a lot. Such a lovely dog, they really are the best animals xxx
    Lucy @ La Lingua Italy

    1. They really are, dogs are so kind :)

  8. It sounds like you have lots to be grateful for, it's easy to forget in tough times though.

    Buckets & Spades

  9. We all forgot the things we should be grateful for, I know I do.

    Buckets & Spades

    1. Exactly, I need to take time to reflect more. I lead a very pleasant life and I'm lucky to have all the rights that come with living in the UK too. Much easier to be a woman here than in some parts of the world.

  10. I love posts like this, I;ve been feeling a bit down about myself lately and have had to take a step back and refocus on the things which I am thankful for.

  11. LOOK at little Sookie! I want to squish her face. x

    1. she really is the cutest little Sookie-sooks, miss her loads x

  12. This was so lovely, Sookie is just so gorgeous!

    Maria xxx


    Aww this post has warmed my cockles. It's good to appreciate every now and again isn't it?

    <3 Claire @ Jazzpad

    1. Definitely :) nice to step back and think about what makes you smile xx


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