Style Inspiration - Marina Diamandis

By Gem - 12:35:00

I'm not a fan of most people who are held up as style icons, I find them rather dull. Alexa Chug, zzzz.
I'm much more influenced by women in music like Robyn, the lovely ladies from Those Dancing Days and Paloma Faith. Marina Diamandis (along with Daisy Lowe) has definitely been my stand out style inspiration for the past few years.

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When Marina Diamandis was asked to describe her style in three words she choose: 'vintage, cheerleader and cartoon'. I love all the eccentric things she wears and she can be both elegant and fun. She is also Welsh like me which makes her instantly at least 50% more amazing ;)

Marina has definitely inspired my make up look which is heavily pencilled eyebrows and bright lipsticks. I saw her 'Hollywood' video and bought an eyebrow pencil straight away, I had to get that look. She has an air of old Hollywood glamour about her which I try to (unsuccessfully) recreate every day. I can see that her style would not be to every ones taste but I think it is good to be bold.

Marina was featured on the Vogue UK site for a feature showing you what she wore everyday in November which you can view here, if only I could look that amazing everyday!

Who is your style inspiration?

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  1. She is stunning and has a gorge figure, but I'm not keen on the bleach job at he mo. xx

    1. yeah, not loving the roots in the new video!

  2. I love her style too !!!! She is amazing :)

    Beautiful Dreams

  3. Her style is amazing! I love it!


  4. I love this women, her music and her style are both fab xxx

  5. She has great style, I love that floor length black dress she's wearing in the 3rd photo!

    Caroline x
    Caroline's Catwalk

  6. I've never really paid much attention to Marina Diamandis before but agree that she looks stunning!
    Ella @ Belle Vintage

  7. I love love love her! So beautiful!

    Maria xxx


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