Gok Wan event and Florence and the Machine

By Gem - 13:33:00

I had a rather lovely day on Monday. I got the chance to check out Gok Wan's collection for Specsavers and ask him a few questions about the range and hang out with some of my favourite Cardiff bloggers. Great way to spend the morning on my day off!
His range is very 50s inspired and comes just in time for the new series of Mad Men. Gok styled a few competition winners and chatted to bloggers and press for a few hours. He was very honest and charming, lovely chap! The glasses retail at about £99 and are 2 for 1 which I think is a bargain as a lot of the designer glasses retail at £150+ a pair. Very affordable and very stylish.

I wore my new skirt to meet Gok, I've had my eye on it for ages and it was on sale in Primark for just £5 so I couldn't resist. I paired it with a really old black top from asda and my new Clarks ballet shoes. I even wore my glasses for once because it was a glasses event. I HATE wearing my glasses because they are slim and boring and I want nice big 50's ones. Gok's range actually solves all my glasses problems!

I treated my little brother on Monday evening and took him to see Florence and the Machine in Cardiff. He's a Britney/Madonna kind of guy so Florence was a bit of a change for him but he really enjoyed it. I like passing on my tastes to my brother but it mainly works the other way round as he constantly listens to very camp pop and I now do the same. He wasn't keen on the support act The Horrors (who are one of my all time fave bands) but you can't win them all. I had an emotional moment when The Horrors played Still Life and hearing the whole arena singing Shake It Out was beautiful.

I saw Florence a few years ago when she played to a small crowd and she hasn't lost any of her energy and if anything her voice and style have grown stronger. I only have a few grainy photos from the gig to share with you, don't you hate it when everyone watches the whole gig through their smart phone?! put it down and watch it, stop filming!! Surely a handful of photos is enough for anyone and you will remember the moment without needing to capture the whole gig on film. RANT.

Best Monday I've had for a long time!

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  1. The Gok Wan event sounds so good - jealous! I hate wearing my glasses atm, plus I've lost a pair so will have to check these ones out. You look fab too hun - I adore your skirt! £5? AMAZING!! xoxo

    1. They were all lovely, very cool! They have a few of those skirts left in the Cardiff store :) x

  2. I've super jealous of your day- I would love to see The Horrors!! And getting to meet Gok is rather cool. My boyfriend has some glasses from his Specsavers range and people keep saying he looks like Buddy Holly.. xx

    1. Buddy Holly comparisons are a good thing :) Seeing The Horrors again in May in Cardiff and Bristol, bit of a stalker! x

  3. I love the pretty skirt you wore to meet Gok. I haven't been to a concert in ages but I'd love to see Florence. She's fab! xXx

  4. OOoo i used to love the Horrors, forgot all about them till u said :)

  5. Does Specsavers deliver to the states? I've grown quite bored with mine but my last pair were $300, yikes. I loved them when I bought them but I don't really think they flatter my face. I love your outfit here, the skirt and the shoes are really cute. I love Florence and the Machine, I'd love to have the opportunity to see her live, I will have to check to see if she'll be in the area. This sounds like one fabulous day!


    1. oooh I have no idea, I expect they do? will have a look x

  6. Ohhh it looks like an amazing gig I love florence I saw her a few years ago and I would love to see her again x

  7. you look really cute! love your skirt. <3
    and oh my gosh i love florence. she came to tokyo
    last month and it was such an amazing gig. <3

    1. she sounded great, was worried her live performance couldn't match the record but she delivered!

  8. The specsavers event with Gok sounds fun! Ahh I'd love to see Florence live, I see she was looking great as always!

    Caroline x
    Caroline's Catwalk

  9. Lovely skirt! You look great, glad your brother like Florence, but jealous you got to see her I missed her tickets!! x

  10. Hugely jealous - I am a massive Gok and Florence fan!! Looks like you had an awesome time. That skirt is totally adorable, definitely a steal for £5!!


  11. Aaaah you saw Florence! I really want to catch her live! And I need some new glasses so will deffo be browsing the Gok range :)

  12. Love the skirt! Such a bargain too. I've got to say I would love the chance to meet Gok, I think he's fab =)

  13. I really need to get my prescription updated and get some new glasses, so this release has come at exactly the right time! I'm a fan of the 'chunkier' styles of glasses rather than dainty little things because I have quite a big face and small frames make it look even bigger!

    1. same here, they never look right at all! Gok's range was lovely x

  14. I was so gutted that I couldn't make this.

    You look lovely Gem, that skirt is adorable x

  15. you look lovely! & florence is a babe! x


  16. I WAS THERE! In fact I have the EXACT same photo of Florence resting on the harp! I was stuck behind someone who filmed the entire thing on their bloody phone!! Maybe I was stood next to you....Spooky :) Love your skirt by the way


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