#TooGoodToGoOut - My festive home with DFS

By Gem - 12:27:00

With long, dark Winter nights here to stay for the next few months, colder weather setting in and Christmas shopping crowds filling the streets of my hometown staying indoors during my downtime seems like a great idea. 

Braving the elements at this time of year fills me with dread and I would prefer to be a home with my husband and dog, making our home cosy rather than eating out in restaurants filled with crowds of office party groups and rushing about buying presents that people don't really need. 

The house Martyn and I purchased over a year ago is still a work in progress and decorating was put on hold during the wedding planning period. Since returning from our honeymoon we have been adding lots of finishing touches to the house - getting pictures framed and upgrading our old furniture we had bought separately to higher quality items that suit us as a couple. One thing we had been on the lookout for was a armchair for the bay window in our dining room and DFS came to the rescue with the beautiful velvet number you can see in the photos below - sofa of my dreams! 

This is a picture of the dfs zinc sofa in navy blue velvet

A comfy sofa is a central component of any living space and my new sofa from DFS  gives our home a ‘too good to go out’ feeling. It has certainly turned my favourite room in the house to the most used room in the house. I love the original picture rail and cabinet and the huge bay window in the dining room but we rarely spent any time in there. The only time we ate at the table was for Sunday lunch or Christmas dinner which was a waste of a large, well lit space. 

The addition of what is typically seen as living room furniture into my dining room has changed the feel of the room completely. We now use this room to read, listen to music and just hang out as a couple and the snuggle chair is the perfect size for two and a little puppy. As mentioned in a recent post I'm trying to take more time out to relax and my new sofa is certainly helping with this. 

Photo frames: John Lewis - Plants & pots: IKEA - Cushion cover: eBay

The navy blue velvet ties in perfectly with the feature wall and the mid-century style doesn't look out of place in my Edwardian home thanks to the dark colour and luxurious feel of the fabric. The sofa is from the Zinc collection by French Connection at DFS and you can get these sofas in a more traditional textured fabric (like the ones in my living room) or in velvet  - I was highly tempted by the yellow and forest green options but navy was the safer choice (and less likely to show any puppy stains).

This is a picture of my festive fining room with fairy lights

I can't wait to entertain in this space over Christmas with my friends and family around the table, sipping G&Ts whilst reclining on my sofa and listing to to my records with the fairy lights flickering in the background. 

This is a picture of my christmas tree with red, blue and white decorations

This is a picture of a Mariah Carey christmas record

This is a picture of the dfs zinc sofa in navy blue velvet

Now that I've got the room just how I like it I think it's far too good to go out. If you need to find me over the next few months I'll be curled up on the sofa with a good book and Coco on my lap...

*Thank you to DFS for providing the sofa. As always, all views and words are my own. 

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  1. This sofa looks like it'd be a beaut to curl up with a book in! And it looks so lovely with the gold. xx

    1. it is the perfect size for curling up, need a nice throw to get under now :)

  2. Everything looks really nice and cozy. I like being all cozy at this time of year

  3. That cushion cover looks amazing! I never thought to use Ebay to buy covers before! Thank you for the inspiration1

  4. You have such a beautiful home! It looks so relaxing and inviting. We're in the market for new sofas too - will have to check out DFS!

  5. That is such a stunning sofa, I love the colour. I bought a new sofa from DFS not that long ago and it really has transformed my room x

  6. The color of your new sofa is gorgeous! I also love the wooden legs, they definitely give it personality.

  7. Wow that looks AMAZING! We are in dire need of a new sofa and I've been torn over what style to go for, I love how stylish this one is!

    1. It comes in peacock blue to and pink velvet - swoon!

  8. That sofa would be great in my newly decorated living room, I am off to look at their site now as we do need new furniture x

  9. Oh my goodness how comfy does that sofa look, your dog is very good just looking at it as well, Sal would be right on it and claiming it as hers.

  10. My goodness this sofa looks so comfortable! I like the cushions too they look fab

  11. what a gorgeous sofa ... it looks fab in your living room! x

  12. Oh I love the colour of your sofa! Such a lovely space cosy cosy winter nights :)

  13. I am so envious of your style! All of the items are right up my street and that sofa is just simply beautiful. Really jealous of the record player too

  14. Choosing a sofa is a big thing, you want to get it just right. This sofa looks so comfy and the colour is gorgeous, good choice!

  15. I love that armchair it looks so big and comfy and perfect for me to curl up with Merrie, totally agree that if you have a nice comfy space, going out seems very overrated!

  16. I love velvet anyway and when you show your room at the end of the post you really see that it fits in perfectly well done x

  17. Such a gorgeous and cosy colour sofa to have in a room. I've never thought about navy before.

  18. That's such a gorgeous sofa, looks really cosy!

  19. I've just ordered the Zinc 3 seater in Forest Green and this navy blue was a close contender but wouldn't go with the room. It's absolutely beautiful! Katie x


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