Love Yourself

By Gem - 15:03:00

Whether you're single, in a relationship or even if 'it's complicated', loving yourself is the most important thing you can do this Valentine's Day (and all year round).

Quote - Carrie Bradshaw

I sometimes forget to love myself so I'll be using this Sunday to take some time to just be me. Even if you have a romantic date planned you can make just as much time for yourself as you are making for your date. I'm going away with some of my friends this weekend and I'm taking a bath bomb and a good book and making sure I unwind.

I can be guilty of giving all of my love to my partner and family and deny myself time to develop my own happiness and focus on what I want to achieve in my life. I think some women, especially ones with a family to look after can feel like taking a little time to focus on themselves is selfish but it really is important to not lose a sense of yourself and who you are.

In the past my low self esteem has meant that I felt unwanted and I long for attention and affection from my partner to plug the gap where my self acceptance and love should be. I'm pledging to take time to put myself first. I need to allocate more time to reading, listening to my records, practicing mindfulness and seeing my friends who I've become a bit of a stranger to since meeting my partner.

If I love myself I can be happier and have a stronger relationship. Loving yourself in a genuine way makes it easy for others to love you.

There's room for two under this throw but I'll be wrapping up in it alone and savouring my rich and creamy sea salt chocolate and cup of Yorkshire tea.

You can't have a pampering session without a candle and I'm going to be lighting my Blissful Boost one whilst listening to The Maccabees. This one has hints of lemongrass and ginger.

You deserve love.

Do you take time out to treat yourself? Can you recommend any books to help with the tricky topic of loving yourself and becoming a happier individual? 

*This post was written in collaboration with White Stuff as part of their Love Yourself with White Stuff campaign. As always, all words and thought are my own.

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  1. Really uplifting and nicely written!!! X

  2. I completely agree with this. All of us (men, women, young, old) need time for ourselves. And I agree, it makes me a happier person, and probably nicer to be around!

  3. That White Stuff blanket looks so cosy, perfect for chilling out under and watching a good film.

  4. This is a great post. Some fantastic tips here x

  5. Completely agree with this post - it's always important to set some time aside for yourself! Also, loving the record player, it's gorgeous! xo

    Emma-Louise |


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