Dressing Up with George - Outfit Post

By Gem - 20:26:00

This is a picture of a blue lace dress from George

This is a picture of a blue lace dress from George

Dress: c/o George - Bag: Zatchels - Jacket: Topshop - Shoes: c/o George - Brooch:  Accesorize

This is a picture of a blue lace dress from George with a gold brooch

This is a picture of a gold satchel

It's fun getting dressed up over the festive period and for New Years Eve parties, we all go the extra mile to look our best at that time of year. We make an effort for dates or occasions like Valentines Day but you don't always need a reason to get dressed up. Most days are pretty average and you might throw on some jeans or an old favourite but sometimes it's nice to put something fabulous on even if it's just for running errands or going shopping. 

I've had a week off with Martyn and gone away on holiday. It was cold and windy in West Wales so I spent most of my time wrapped up under lots of layers and feeling a bit frumpy but as soon as the sun came out I put my new electric blue George dress on and went out for a walk to make the most of the good weather. Yes, you could wear this dress for a night out or a trip to the theatre but why not feel special on any old ordinary day? I certainly had a spring in my step when I went out in this and making the effort to put a nice dress on and a flick of eyeliner made me feel much more confident.

You can see Maria looking wonderful in her cream/beige version of this dress over on her blog. I also fancy getting this in the green too. It has a heavy lining which means it sits nicely and it could easily cost anther £20 if another retailer made it. I paired mine with my biker jacket and my battered old satchel but it would make a great everyday dress with a cardi and pumps or you could dress it up even more for a wedding with heels and a clutch.

Do you like to save your fancy clothes for special occasions or do you think they should make more frequent appearances?

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  1. We basically went for the same outfit! :D I bought the green too and it is really nice!

    Maria xxx

  2. You look so gorgeous! I love that blue, it's such a pretty colour! I save my fancy clothes for special occassions, although I wish I had more excuses to wear them :p x
    | Life as a Petite || Fashion, Crafts & Lifestyle Blog |

  3. This colour looks gorgeous on you Gem!

  4. This looks absolutely beautiful! How come I never find anything as nice as this when I go in Asda?!

  5. This dress is lovely. Gorgeous colour. George do some lovely stuff sometimes, I'll have to check it out when I'm next in. Green sounds good too! You look great.

  6. Gorgeous colour dress! I haven't checked out George clothing in such a long time. Looks like they have really upped their game though!


    Being Ashleigh blog

  7. I love your outfit. Blue is a great color and suits you x

  8. Stunning colour, I love that shade of blue and you can carry it off really well!! West Wales is often wet and windy, so I'm glad that you're now getting a little bit of sunshine in the 'Diff! I find my nice dresses creeping more and more into my everyday wardrobe. They're just more fun to wear and make me feel better about myself too. I find I lean more and more towards dresses that can be smartened up for work, dressed down for casual, or glammed up for evenings out! Much better cost per wear then.

  9. Oh I really love this blue dress - perfect for dressing up or down and such a lovely colour. I have to say I am really impressed with the George stuff and it's such great value. Also loving the gold zatchel!!

    Laura x


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