My wardrobe essential - M&S tights

By Gem - 12:38:00

I wear different clothes for all my outfit posts, rarely highlighting the same thing twice however there's always one thing that I include in every outfit. Can you spot what it is? Can you guess the common link?

It's M&S tights!

I've literally got a whole cupboard full of the 40 Denier Body Sensor Opaque Tights. They come in a pack of three, cost £8 and an an absolute essential item for me. They last a lot longer than other brands, actually go all the way up my legs and don't sag in the middle.Plain black tights are a British girls wardrobe staple for any occasion aren't they?
In my student days of buying Primark tights because I was on a budget I used to dream of getting a pair of tights from my drawer without a hole or ladder in them. I've tried so many brands before settling on M&S. I love opaque tights, because if you haven't noticed I rarely wear trousers or leggings. They provide much needed warmth from the cold Welsh climate and I think they make an outfit look chic.

I thought I would branch out from my regular 40 denier black tights and gave some sheer tights and dogstooth pattered ones a trial.

The 7 denier ones have clever Hi Heel Hosiery technology which means burning soles can be a thing of the past for those who like to wear heels. Secret pads built into the bottom of the tights act as comfortable little cushions to relieve any pain on the ball of the foot.These tights are made using a fabric that prevents ladders turning into holes and these tights have a cooling finish which is effective for 3-4 washes. Sounds pretty good right? Here's what they look like on:

I loved wearing something a little more sheer and the cooling pads at the bottom definitely helped this non heel wearer to totter around for longer than normal. I end up taking heels off and swapping them for pumps after a couple of hours so these tights did a great job.

Are you a daily tights wearer like me? Are you loyal to one brand of tights?

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  1. Gorgeous dresses - I haven't tried any tights from marks and spencer x

    Heather | Of Beauty & Nothingness x

  2. Religiously buy the 60 denier 3 pack from M&S, won't buy any others now for plain black. They last ages, better than the Primark ones I used to get.

  3. I'm wanting to have more sheer tights for Spring. I went out the other day and bought some flesh-coloured ones and sheer black ones with black polkadots. I love M&S tights but I get them from the outlet, rather than pay full price!! Ha!

  4. I also wear tights daily like you. I have several different tights, from varied brands x

  5. I'm in Ireland, so have a similar need for tights! I've bought from Primark (Penneys) and while they're much better than they used to be, nothing beats M&S. I think I missed the post with the first dress though - can you tell me where it's from? It's beautiful.

  6. I swear by tights but I live in Australia so I think they usually make them a little thinner here, these would be perfect for winter though, they look amazing :) x

  7. I can't live without my black semi-opaques either, but hate buying tights on the high street. Have you ever used MyTights,com? They have EVERYTHING :)


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