The Best Christmas Present EVER!

By Gem - 17:59:00

You might be think I'm a bit keen posting about Christmas in October, but there's only 65 days until the best day of the year and I'm super excited. Who doesn't love being able to wear your PJs all day, eating your own body weight in chocolate, drinking Baileys until your wobbly and watching The Muppet Christmas Carol?

I've been reminiscing about my favourite holiday periods spent with my family, the year I got my Barbie house was pretty special and spending time with my late grandfather will always bring back good memories for me. I think the best Christmas I've ever had had to be in 2009...

I wanted a dog pretty much all of my life but my mum was never keen on the idea, a dog is a huge commitment. My brother and I would beg my mum for a dog every year and despite always having wonderful presents and a lovely Christmas we were always a tad disappointed that there wasn't a puppy with a big bow on under the tree.

My mum finally surprised my brother and I on Christmas day nearly five years ago with the best little Labrador anyone could wish for. My mum let us open all of our other Christmas presents first, she even let us put a movie on and tuck into our selection boxes and then she said 'I think I forgot one of your presents, let me go upstairs and check' She came back downstairs with a puppy in her arms and I burst into tears. She was perfect and the pet I always dreamed of. Sookie was one of the first names that came to mind  for her and it stuck (it's a Gilmore Girls reference) and I think it suits her.


The years of waiting were worth it and I'm now the owner of the cheekiest, cutest, most loveable and spoiled rotten dog in the whole world. I mean, look at her! She's so sassy, has her own way at all times and gives the best hugs. I like to think she follows after me ;)

She is also probably one of the most photographed dogs in history, I'm always trying to get her to pose for me which she does with a huge sigh and only if I promise her a treat.

Me making Sookie pose for a photo // Sookie's first day with the family // Sookie helping me out with outfit photos // Sookie doesn't like antlers // Sookie's first birthday (yes, I got her a cake. Problem?) // Adorable // Sookie looking a bit like Dobby // Sookie in one of her many coats // Sookie generally looking pretty cool

Photo of my dog on Christmas day.

We don't have any children in the family so Sookie is basically my mothers grandchild and my baby. She gets loads of Christmas presents, she's allowed to sit on the sofa and gets the attention from at least one member of the family at all times. She's not just a pet to us, she's a family member and is truly loved. We're completely mad about her and wouldn't have it any other way.


I don't think any Christmas present will ever top getting Sookie. Have you ever got a pet for Christmas? What are your fondest festive memories?

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  1. This was such a cute post, your dog is adorable and I totally know how you feel about feeling so lucky to have your pets in your life. I absolutely adore my cats and I can't picture life without them, they are so sweet and give such unconditional love and an endless amount of entertainment. Not to mention that it isn't hard looking at a cute little fuzzy face around the house.


  2. Sookie is adorable! I know how much she means to you Gem, I had no idea she was a Christmas present, top marks for your Mum hiding her and tricking you into thinking you had had all your presents already xxx

  3. She's so cute and what a lovely way to find out about her.
    We got our two cats years and years ago (they are seriously old ladies now) and I was told two weeks before Christmas after begging to for a cat. Best presents ever! They were the cutest, naughtiest kittens and Tiger-Lily was obsessed with climbing the Christmas tree.

  4. Dogs are brill, we have an English Springer Spaniel, but no, it's not something I would ever give anyone as a gift. :)
    I wouldn't give anyone a pet at all as a gift. "A dog's for life, not just for x-mas" and the reason for that statement is why I would never give pets as gifts like that. :)

    I'm glad you and your family took the responsibility serious though. She's really beautiful, and she looks really cheeky! haha


    1. She's the best and definitely not just a gift. Dogs are super expensive to look after and Labradors require loads of walking and attention, that's why my mum waited until I was old enough to have that responsibility I think.

  5. I've never gotten a pet for Christmas, but I can just imagine the joy you must have felt. Your Sookie is absolutely gorgeous! I'm currently a cat owner, but a dog lover at heart. One of my fondest memories of my late doggy was dressing him up in his santa suit for Christmas. Don't pets just make the holiday so much better?!

    Yaya ♥ My Dreamality

  6. I love this post so much, Sookie is my favourite (and Mark's!)

    Maria xxx

  7. I got my ginger kitty as a Christmas present about 5 years ago and I'm totally with you no present beats a furry friend

  8. YAY SOOKIE! Rufus is such a rubbish guard dog in comparison, he'd lick anyone to death. I think him and Sookie would get on excellently :) <3 Claire @ Jazzpad


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