Exercise at home - I need your help!

By Gem - 10:16:00

As you may have already read on here and over on twitter I'm moving house soon which is a fresh start for me. When I'm settled I want to include exercise into my daily routine. There isn't a gym close to my house and I don't want to be running on my own, in the dark, in a dodgy area of Newport so I'm looking for great ways to stay in shape at home and on a budget. I want to spend money furnishing the house and not on equipment.

Aside from eating a healthy and balanced diet which I plan on doing, you also need regular exercise in order to live a healthy lifestyle and as I become older health is more important to me that losing weight. I will be focusing more on activity than counting calories. I know I'm going to need to invest a small amount in some kit (I already have an exercise bike, yay!) but literally nothing else so here are some of my ideas of what to get, please let me know if you have any suggestions:


As well as exercising at home I'm hoping to get outdoors on the weekends more too. My boyfriend enjoys swimming and this is something we can do together and I want to explore the areas surrounding Newport like Caerleon, Usk and the Wetlands. I need a warm and waterproof coat as well as a comfortable and supportive swimming costume and I'm going to head to Peter Hahn for these as well as utilising items I already have.

exercise at home

I thought of a few exercise ideas for the home:

Walking and staircase exercise - I'm going to be living a good half an hour away from the train station so all that walking will really add up. I've only got a pair of Vans or hiking boots as far as practical shoes are concerned and neither of these are great for power walking to work. I'm thinking of something classic like these Puma Suede shoes which I can then swap for pumps once I'm in work or even keep on if I'm wearing a skater skirt and t-shirt.

Cycling - I have a exercise bike at the new house so it would be a shame to not use it.

Dancing - I'm thinking of YouTube videos and tutorials for this. Can you recommend any?

Light weight lifting - Are there any charts you have found online with great weight ideas? I'm going to invest in a small set of weights so I can use them when I do the 30 Day Shred as the ones I use now will be staying home with my brother. OnlySportsGear have got some reasonable priced kettle bells so I might treat myself to some of those. 

Squats  - Maybe this time next year I'll have buns of steel? Wishful thinking but I've seen some great squat challenges on Pinterest that last for a month. Inceasing the amount I do each day with some rest days.

Crunches - Boring but I'm sure I will see results.

Instead of going to the gym I'm hoping to mix and match these exercise routines to save time and money.

I would really appreciate any recommendations of Pilates/fitness/workout YouTube channels or fitness blogs that you find inspiring as this isn't my area of expertise at all.

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  1. I do the 30 day and shred and love it saw great results in a short space of time I'm posting a before and after picture on my blog this weekend, good luck x

    Catherines Loves

  2. Get a kettle bell! I have one and it's brilliant. 10 minutes with it a day really works out all your core muscles and tones up your legs, bum, stomach and arms all at the same time. And they're so simple to use, plus there are loads of tutorials on youtube :)


  3. I love kettlebell classes, and also it may be worth looking into metafit - i do these as classes at my gym but you may be able to get youtube workouts and you don't need any equipment for them - metafit is basically interval training - high intensity bursts of exercise which are meant to stay burning cals through the rest of the day - it's hard but I've definitely seen results.

    1. oooh that's sounds perfect. Great to do in the morning before I get ready for work.

  4. I really enjoy following the Blogilates calendars (even if my housemates crack up everytime they see me doing it). It's a nice mix of different exercises although I usually add in some extra cardio as I feel some months are a little light on it. You can really notice how much stronger you're getting when you come across the same video again and you're going for way more repetitions than you could before! You only need enough space to lay a yoga mat down.

  5. Look for HIIT workouts on youtube - most dont need any equipment. Or make up your own, I pick 5 or 6 exercises - burpees, squats, mountain climbers, high knees (you can search youtube on how to do these properly if needed) do 30-45 seconds on and rest for 30 - 60 seconds and repeat for around 20 minutes - similar to a metafit class structure but in your own time! Good luck, you'll smash it! x

  6. I enjoyed the 30 day shred before I got pregnant with my last two. That and step aerobics at home did wonders for me. I quite fancy kettlebell myself. xo

  7. Great ideas I tend to do Zumba on the wii but am getting a bit bored and need some new ideas.

  8. Carly Rowena's Youtube channel is awesome, I love her ideas for workouts. I loved working out with Jillian Michaels' dvds (30 day shred and 6 week sixpack) but found I couldn't stick to them. Bootcamp workouts are my thing now, I'm sure there will be loads on Youtube too :) x

    1. not heard of Carly Rowena, thanks for the tip.

  9. I'd check out the Livestrong channel on Youtube, it's straight to the point, short (few minutes or less) videos of very specific exercises for the home. It's very hard work to keep it put and nearly impossible to do it without slacking but if you keep a few up you'll see the difference. Good luck!

    Buckets & Spades

    1. Thanks Matthew, sounds great. I hate a lot of chat on Youtube videos so these will be good.

  10. Try powerhooping, it hurts at first but amaizing for toning tummy and bum, also gives you a nice defined waist, the hoops are cheap and can just be stored behind a sofa


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